I can see my stored form definitions in Summary page, but when I try to open a form, opening fails.
From Orbeon.log: "WARN XFormsServer - unknown id {id: "fr-number"}" "WARN XFormsServer - observer attribute present but does not refer to at least one valid id, ignoring event handler {element: "<xxf:script ev:target="#observer" ev:observer="fr-number" ev:event="DOMFocusOut" id="xf-2359">[...]</xxf:script>"}" "WARN XFormsServer - target attribute present but does not refer to at least one valid id, ignoring event handler {element: "<xxf:script ev:target="#observer" ev:observer="fr-number" ev:event="DOMFocusOut" id="xf-2359">[...]</xxf:script>"}" Form definitions are stored in the database (Oracle) table orbeon_form_data; a piece from there: <xh:head> <xh:title>formtitle1</xh:title> <xf:model id="fr-form-model" xxf:expose-xpath-types="true"> <xf:instance id="fr-form-instance"> <form> No data is stored in the table orbeon_form_definition - is that a mistake due to my settings or?! I have a version 4.4 PE trial for deciding whether Orbeon Forms could be a tool in my company/for our customers. I the file \META-INF\context.xml I have defined Orbeon Forms data-connection like this: <Resource name="jdbc/orbeon" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" initialSize="3" maxActive="10" maxIdle="20" maxWait="30000" driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" poolPreparedStatements="true" validationQuery="select * from dual" testOnBorrow="true" username="my-username" password="my-password" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@k11giso.kati.fi:1521:k11giso"/> And in the file \WEB-INF\resources\config\properties-local.xml like this: <property as="xs:anyURI" name="oxf.fr.persistence.orbeon.uri" value="/fr/service/oracle"/> <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.orbeon.datasource" value="orbeon"/> <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.provider.orbeon.*.*" value="orbeon"/> Hope someone is interested in this topic - thanks for smaller hints, too! Jouko |
Hi Jouko,
Only published forms are stored in orbeon_form_definition. Forms you edit in Form Builder come from orbeon_form_data (and in many ways, editing a form is very similar to editing data with form you created). So not seeing anything in orbeon_form_definition is normal if you haven't published a form. Now you're saying you get an error when opening a form. I imagine this is from Form Builder's summary page, right? Is this with forms you created with a previous version of Orbeon Forms? If you were to create a new form, save it, come back to the summary page, and open it, would you be getting the same error? If the problem happens specifically with forms you created in a previous version of the product, would you be able to send us the source of such a form? Alex
Follow Orbeon on Twitter: @orbeon Follow me on Twitter: @avernet |
Hello Alex, I have the newest version of Orbeon (4.4….), Tomcat/Catalina 7, Oracle 11gr2 and Windows 7. I’m studying whether Orbeon is a well working tool, so I can use the latest version and restart from “clean table” anytime (extracting exist-data
from the .war and removing rows in Oracle tables). 1) One warning existing always: ”
2014-01-08 10:39:56,893 WARN XmlLibraryChecker - Looking for a valid Parser... Checking for Xerces, found version Xerces-J 2.11.0 needed version Xerces-J 2.9.0 Warning: Failed find a valid Parser!” I have not found (tried many days), which configuration would be ok – at least not the one coming from orbeon.war. 2) Properties-local.xml “<property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.provider.*.*.*" value="exist"/> <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.provider.ktm.*.*" value="oracle"/> <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.oracle.datasource" value="ktmorbeon"/>” And the resources (orbeon\META-INF\
context.xml) <Resource name="jdbc/ktmorbeon" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" initialSize="3" maxActive="10" maxIdle="20" maxWait="30000" driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" poolPreparedStatements="true" validationQuery="select * from dual" testOnBorrow="true" username="ktmorbeon" password=" xxxxx " url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@k11giso.kati.fi:1521:k11giso"/> Creating a new form in application ktm. Publishing ok (form definitions are stored in Oracle in table orbeon_form_definition). Starting a new document (in the selection after publishing) -> 2014-01-08 12:16:21,351 INFO SQLProcessor - Using Oracle Tomcat 5 delegate. 2014-01-08 12:16:21,401 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/oracle/crud/ktm/form1/form/form.xhtml - Timing: 120 2014-01-08 12:16:21,401 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/persistence/crud/ktm/form1/form/form.xhtml - Timing: 150 2014-01-08 12:16:21,401 INFO DatabaseContext - Committing JDBC connection for datasource: jdbc/ktmorbeon. 2014-01-08 12:16:21,421 WARN XFormsServer - instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-create-update-submission-response"} 2014-01-08 12:16:21,451 WARN XFormsServer - instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-create-update-submission-response"} 2014-01-08 12:16:21,471 INFO ProcessorService - /xforms-server - Timing: 300 2014-01-08 12:16:23,221 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/ktm/form1/new - Received request 2014-01-08 12:16:23,241 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/persistence/crud/ktm/form1/form/form.xhtml - Received request 2014-01-08 12:16:23,251 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/oracle/crud/ktm/form1/form/form.xhtml - Received request 2014-01-08 12:16:23,281 INFO SQLProcessor - Using Oracle Tomcat 5 delegate. 2014-01-08 12:16:23,281 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/oracle/crud/ktm/form1/form/form.xhtml - Timing: 30 2014-01-08 12:16:23,281 INFO DatabaseContext - Rolling back JDBC connection for datasource: jdbc/ktmorbeon. 2014-01-08 12:16:23,301 ERROR PageFlowControllerProcessor - error caught {controller: "oxf:/apps/fr/page-flow.xml", method: "GET", path: "/fr/service/persistence/crud/ktm/form1/form/form.xhtml"} 2014-01-08 12:16:23,301 ERROR PageFlowControllerProcessor - error caught {controller: "oxf:/apps/fr/page-flow.xml", method: "GET", path: "/fr/ktm/form1/new"} 2014-01-08 12:16:23,341 ERROR PageFlowControllerProcessor -
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |An Error has Occurred | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |[No error message provided.] | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Application Call Stack | … (entire log attached) 3) Wish for future: Application’s form definitions and data could be saved in separate schemas. Definition for example like this orbeon\WEB-INF\resources\config\
properties-local.xml: (I think that ‘oracle’ should not be reserved (/hardcoded) word here) ktm = the application name the link ‘ktmorbeon’ to the resource for form definitions the link ‘ktm’ to the resource for form data <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.provider.*.*.*" value="exist"/> <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.provider.ktm.*.form" value="oracle1"/> <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.oracle1.datasource" value="ktmorbeon"/> <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.provider.ktm.*.data" value="oracle2"/> <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.oracle2.datasource" value="ktm"/> And the resources (orbeon\META-INF\
context.xml) <Resource name="jdbc/ktm" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" initialSize="3" maxActive="10" maxIdle="20" maxWait="30000" driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" poolPreparedStatements="true" validationQuery="select * from dual" testOnBorrow="true" username="ktmmgr" password="xxxxx" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@k11giso.kati.fi:1521:k11giso"/> <Resource name="jdbc/ktmorbeon" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" initialSize="3" maxActive="10" maxIdle="20" maxWait="30000" driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" poolPreparedStatements="true" validationQuery="select * from dual" testOnBorrow="true" username="ktmorbeon" password=" xxxxx " url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@k11giso.kati.fi:1521:k11giso"/> Thanks Alex! Jouko Jouko Tiihonen
| software engineer CGI PB 321 (Länsikatu 15), FI-80110 Joensuu Mob: +358 50 410 8183 CGI Suomi Oy, y-tunnus 0357502-9 From: Alessandro Vernet [via Orbeon Forms community mailing list]
[mailto:ml-node+[hidden email]] Hi Jouko, -- If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below: To unsubscribe from Storing from Builder to Oracle is successful, but retrieving fails,
click here. |
In reply to this post by Alessandro Vernet
The Orbeon log-file I promised. Jouko Jouko Tiihonen
| suunnittelija CGI PL 321 (Länsikatu 15), 80110 Joensuu Matkapuhelin: +358 50 410 8183 CGI Suomi Oy, y-tunnus 0357502-9 |
Hi Jouko,
Unfortunately, there is not enough information in the log to figure this out. Would you be able to attach the source a form we can use to reproduce this here? The published form definition are already stored in a different place, as you know. Now, as you know, the form definition being edited by Form Builder are stored in orbeon_form_data, as other data, but it could be in an orbeon_form_data of another schema, if you'd like. The following property would do it: <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.provider.orbeon.builder.data" value="form-builder-data-schema"/> Similarly, you can control where data/form for each app/form is stored. Alex
Follow Orbeon on Twitter: @orbeon Follow me on Twitter: @avernet |
<property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.provider.orbeon.builder.data" value="form-builder-data-schema"/>
Similarly, you can control where data/form for each app/form is stored. I want to store in Oracle. The provider value must be "oracle" (according my experiences) - it can't be (against documentation - I have a tiny memory that somewhere it is said that it must "oracle") for example "oracle1" or "formdefinitions" or "formdata" (it causes errors; the error happens when storing form definitions or form data (the data typed using that form) - depending on whether the provider is for form or for data). That's why it's not possible to use several Oracle schemas for different needs (form definitions, form data - and these separately for different applications). Different Oracle schemas works ok when I make sql-services in form builder. The errors are arising with as simple forms as possible (one control). |
Hi Jouko,
No, the provider name can be anything you want. It's just that the mapping from the "oracle" provider name to a persistence layer / datasource is defined out-of-the-box: <property as="xs:anyURI" name="oxf.fr.persistence.oracle.uri" value="/fr/service/oracle"/> <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.oracle.datasource" value="oracle"/> But you can define your own provider name, adding the two properties above for your own name. You'd still map it to /fr/service/oracle (also using the Oracle implementation), but would use a different datasource, and of course define that datasource appropriately in your app server. Alex
Follow Orbeon on Twitter: @orbeon Follow me on Twitter: @avernet |
Hello Alex & others,
Ok, now I know the purpose of URI and I could go on bravely towards new adventures ![]() ![]() Situation now: In localhost...log: 10.1.2014 12:53:20 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [orbeon-main-servlet] in context with path [/orbeonjrt] threw exception [Servlet execution threw an exception] with root cause java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.xdb.XMLType at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1714) at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(WebappClassLoader.java:1559) at org.orbeon.oxf.processor.sql.SQLProcessorOracleDelegateBase.getDOM(SQLProcessorOracleDelegateBase.java:153) at org.orbeon.oxf.processor.sql.interpreters.GetterInterpreter.start(GetterInterpreter.java:116) ... In orbeon.log: ... 2014-01-10 12:53:19,426 INFO XmlLibraryChecker - Using parser org.orbeon.oxf.xml.xerces.XercesSAXParser 2014-01-10 12:53:19,426 INFO XmlLibraryChecker - Using transformer com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.trax.TransformerImpl 2014-01-10 12:53:19,436 WARN Descriptor - Giving up unable to read descriptor file from C:\Tomcat7\webapps\orbeonjrt\WEB-INF\descriptor.xml 2014-01-10 12:53:19,436 WARN Descriptor - Giving up unable to read descriptor.xml file from classloader in package org.exist.http 2014-01-10 12:53:19,816 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/exist/form - Timing: 1070 2014-01-10 12:53:19,836 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/resource/form - Received request 2014-01-10 12:53:19,856 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/resource/form - Timing: 20 2014-01-10 12:53:19,866 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/oracle/form - Received request 2014-01-10 12:53:20,166 INFO SQLProcessor - Using Oracle Tomcat 5 delegate. 2014-01-10 12:53:20,166 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/oracle/form - Timing: 300 2014-01-10 12:53:20,166 INFO DatabaseContext - Rolling back JDBC connection for datasource: jdbc/ktmorbeon. 2014-01-10 12:53:20,196 ERROR PageFlowControllerProcessor - error caught {controller: "oxf:/apps/fr/page-flow.xml", method: "GET", path: "/fr/service/persistence/form"} 2014-01-10 12:53:20,246 ERROR PageFlowControllerProcessor - +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |An Error has Occurred | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fatal error: The element type "HR" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</HR>". | ... Log (until the error message raises on screen) and environment files attached.logs-and-environment-files.zip Should I now find oracle.xdb.XMLType class or should it come with Orbeon PE? Jouko |
I copied some Oracle jars under Tomcat7/lib and then the Form Runner Summary page was ok. When I selected a form saved in Oracle, an error raised:
... 2014-01-10 13:34:18,939 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/oracle/form/ktm/form1 - Received request 2014-01-10 13:34:18,964 INFO SQLProcessor - Using Oracle Tomcat 5 delegate. 2014-01-10 13:34:18,968 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/oracle/form/ktm/form1 - Timing: 29 2014-01-10 13:34:18,968 INFO DatabaseContext - Committing JDBC connection for datasource: jdbc/ktmorbeon. 2014-01-10 13:34:18,970 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/persistence/form/ktm/form1 - Timing: 41 2014-01-10 13:34:18,989 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/oracle/crud/ktm/form1/form/form.xhtml - Timing: 166 2014-01-10 13:34:18,989 INFO DatabaseContext - Committing JDBC connection for datasource: jdbc/ktmorbeon. 2014-01-10 13:34:18,999 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/persistence/crud/ktm/form1/form/form.xhtml - Timing: 188 2014-01-10 13:34:19,076 ERROR XFormsServer - xforms-submit-error - setting throwable {throwable: " +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |An Error has Occurred | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Fatal error: Premature end of file. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Application Call Stack | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Exception: org.orbeon.oxf.common.ValidationException | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |org.orbeon.oxf.xml.XMLUtils$ErrorHandler |fatalError |XMLUtils.java | 336| |orbeon.apache.xerces.util.ErrorHandlerWrapper |fatalError | | | ... 2014-01-10 13:34:19,086 INFO PageFlowControllerProcessor - not found {controller: "oxf:/apps/fr/page-flow.xml", method: "GET", path: "/fr/ktm/form1/summary"} 2014-01-10 13:34:19,087 INFO PageFlowControllerProcessor - not found {controller: "oxf:/page-flow.xml", method: "GET", path: "/fr/ktm/form1/summary"} 2014-01-10 13:34:19,116 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/ktm/form1/summary - Timing: 1059 Orbeon.log attached - Jouko orbeon.log |
Hi Jouko,
Requiring additional Oracle jars was an unintentional change in 4.4. This will be fixed in 4.5, and we're thinking of releasing a 4.4.1 PE that fixes that, as well as other issues in 4.4.0. (If you are using the PE, just let me know, and we can send you a "pre-release" if it helps.) Now however, I am not sure what causes the "Premature end of file". Can you try accessing /fr/service/persistence/crud/ktm/form1/form/form.xhtml from the browser and see what you get? If you haven't done this already, for this to work, you'll need to set the following properties in your properties-local.xml: <property as="xs:string" processor-name="oxf:page-flow" name="service-public-methods" value="GET HEAD POST PUT DELETE"/> <property as="xs:string" processor-name="oxf:page-flow" name="page-public-methods" value="GET HEAD POST PUT DELETE"/> Alex
Follow Orbeon on Twitter: @orbeon Follow me on Twitter: @avernet |
Good new week!
The browser gives http status 200 and a message: "XML Parsing Error: no element found Location: http://localhost:8080/orbeonjrt/fr/service/persistence/crud/ktm/form1/form/form.xhtml Line Number 1, Column 39: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> --------------------------------------^ There is no saved document yet in database. The document description in database (Oracle) is: <xh:html xmlns:xh="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:xxi="http://orbeon.org/oxf/xml/xinclude" xmlns:saxon="http://saxon.sf.net/" xmlns:xxf="http://orbeon.org/oxf/xml/xforms" xmlns:fb="http://orbeon.org/oxf/xml/form-builder" xmlns:fr="http://orbeon.org/oxf/xml/form-runner" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:exf="http://www.exforms.org/exf/1-0" xmlns:f="http//www.orbeon.com/function" xmlns:oxf="http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/processors" xmlns:ev="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:odt="http://orbeon.org/oxf/xml/datatypes" xmlns:xpl="java:org.orbeon.oxf.pipeline.api.FunctionLibrary" xmlns:sql="http://orbeon.org/oxf/xml/sql" xmlns:p="http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/pipeline" xmlns:form-runner="java:org.orbeon.oxf.fr.FormRunner" xmlns:xf="http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <xh:head> <xh:title>form1title</xh:title> <xf:model id="fr-form-model" xxf:expose-xpath-types="true"> <xf:instance id="fr-form-instance"> <form> <section-1> <name-control/> </section-1> </form> </xf:instance> <xf:bind xmlns:dataModel="java:org.orbeon.oxf.fb.DataModel" id="fr-form-binds" ref="instance('fr-form-instance')"> <xf:bind id="section-1-bind" name="section-1" ref="section-1"> <xf:bind id="name-control-bind" name="name-control" ref="name-control"/> </xf:bind> </xf:bind> <xf:instance xxf:readonly="true" id="fr-form-metadata"> <metadata> <application-name>ktm</application-name> <form-name>form1</form-name> <title xml:lang="en">form1title</title> <description xml:lang="en"/> </metadata> </xf:instance> <xf:instance id="fr-form-attachments"> <attachments> <css mediatype="text/css" filename="" size=""/> <pdf mediatype="application/pdf" filename="" size=""/> </attachments> </xf:instance> <xf:instance id="fr-form-resources" xxf:readonly="false"> <resources> <resource xml:lang="en"> <section-1> <label>Untitled Section</label> </section-1> <name-control> <label>Name (surname and first name hhhh)</label> <hint/> </name-control> </resource> </resources> </xf:instance> <xf:instance id="fr-service-request-instance" xxf:exclude-result-prefixes="#all"> <request/> </xf:instance> <xf:instance id="fr-service-response-instance" xxf:exclude-result-prefixes="#all"> <response/> </xf:instance> </xf:model> </xh:head> <xh:body> <fr:view> <fr:body xmlns:xbl="http://www.w3.org/ns/xbl" xmlns:dataModel="java:org.orbeon.oxf.fb.DataModel"> <fr:section id="section-1-control" bind="section-1-bind"> <xf:label ref="$form-resources/section-1/label"/> <fr:grid> <xh:tr> <xh:td> <xf:input id="name-control-control" bind="name-control-bind" class="fr-summary fr-search"> <xf:label ref="$form-resources/name-control/label"/> <xf:hint ref="$form-resources/name-control/hint"/> <xf:alert ref="$fr-resources/detail/labels/alert"/> </xf:input> </xh:td> <xh:td/> </xh:tr> </fr:grid> </fr:section> </fr:body> </fr:view> </xh:body> </xh:html> Orbeon.log: 2014-01-13 10:27:39,238 INFO ProcessorService - Context listener - Context initialized. 2014-01-13 10:27:39,248 INFO ProcessorService - Context listener - About to run processor: [{http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/processors}pipeline, config -> oxf:/apps/context/context-initialized.xpl] 2014-01-13 10:27:39,308 INFO DebugProcessor - message: line 19, column 46 of oxf:/apps/context/context-initialized.xpl <message xmlns:oxf="http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/processors" xmlns:p="http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/pipeline">Context initialized.</message> 2014-01-13 10:27:39,328 INFO ProcessorService - Done running processor - Timing: 80 2014-01-13 10:27:39,348 INFO DebugProcessor - message: line 19, column 46 of oxf:/apps/context/scheduled-task.xpl <message xmlns:oxf="http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/processors" xmlns:p="http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/pipeline">Running task...</message> 2014-01-13 10:27:39,368 INFO DebugProcessor - scheduler-test: line 37, column 70 of oxf:/apps/context/scheduled-task.xpl <document xmlns:oxf="http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/processors" xmlns:p="http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/pipeline"> <body>This is a document stored into the application context.</body> </document> 2014-01-13 10:27:39,368 INFO DebugProcessor - message: line 42, column 46 of oxf:/apps/context/scheduled-task.xpl <message xmlns:oxf="http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/processors" xmlns:p="http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/pipeline">Task done.</message> 2014-01-13 10:27:39,368 INFO SchedulerProcessor - Done running processor - Timing: 40 2014-01-13 10:27:42,528 INFO ProcessorService - Servlet initialized. 2014-01-13 10:27:42,588 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/persistence/crud/ktm/form1/form/form.xhtml - Received request 2014-01-13 10:27:43,458 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/oracle/crud/ktm/form1/form/form.xhtml - Received request 2014-01-13 10:27:43,818 INFO SQLProcessor - Using Oracle Tomcat 5 delegate. 2014-01-13 10:27:44,538 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/persistence/form/ktm/form1 - Received request 2014-01-13 10:27:44,548 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/oracle/form/ktm/form1 - Received request 2014-01-13 10:27:44,668 INFO SQLProcessor - Using Oracle Tomcat 5 delegate. 2014-01-13 10:27:44,778 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/oracle/form/ktm/form1 - Timing: 230 2014-01-13 10:27:44,778 INFO DatabaseContext - Committing JDBC connection for datasource: jdbc/ktmorbeon. 2014-01-13 10:27:44,808 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/persistence/form/ktm/form1 - Timing: 270 2014-01-13 10:27:44,808 INFO ProcessorService - Session listener - Session created. 2014-01-13 10:27:44,888 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/oracle/crud/ktm/form1/form/form.xhtml - Timing: 1430 2014-01-13 10:27:44,888 INFO DatabaseContext - Committing JDBC connection for datasource: jdbc/ktmorbeon. 2014-01-13 10:27:44,908 INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/persistence/crud/ktm/form1/form/form.xhtml - Timing: 2320 |
I had similar issues with 4.4 & Oracle, and it turned out mine had to do with the additional Oracle jar dependencies that Alex mentions above. The trick was finding jars of the correct versions. Here's what I had to do to get it to work:
-- Downloaded Oracle DB 11g r2 & installed to my workstation (this matches our production Oracle version) Grabbed these & copied to tomcat/lib: <ora_home>\RDBMS\jlib\xdb.jar <ora_home>\LIB\xmlparserv2.jar <ora_home>\jdbc\lib\ojdbc6.jar Tomcat wouldn't start after these three were installed. The error given was NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/i18n/util/LocaleMapper - apparently that class exists in orai18n-mapping.jar, so I grabbed it from: <ora_home>\jlib\orai18n-mapping.jar After installing these four jars, everything worked as expected. On Monday, January 13, 2014 12:32:32 AM UTC-8, jouko wrote: Good new week! You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Orbeon Forms" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [hidden email]. To post to this group, send email to [hidden email]. |
Thanks, it works now. I didn't got any error messages, so ... With this content in tomcat/lib Directory of C:\Tomcat7\lib 14.01.2014 12:25 <DIR> . 14.01.2014 12:25 <DIR> .. 02.07.2013 08:59 15 264 annotations-api.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 54 142 catalina-ant.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 134 215 catalina-ha.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 257 520 catalina-tribes.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 1 581 311 catalina.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 1 801 636 ecj-4.2.2.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 46 085 el-api.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 123 241 jasper-el.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 599 428 jasper.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 88 690 jsp-api.jar 04.03.2010 04:37 2 111 338 ojdbc6.jar 17.02.2010 19:30 82 913 orai18n-mapping.jar 22.11.2006 19:44 84 091 resolver.jar 22.11.2006 19:44 278 286 serializer.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 177 598 servlet-api.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 6 873 tomcat-api.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 796 527 tomcat-coyote.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 235 411 tomcat-dbcp.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 77 364 tomcat-i18n-es.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 48 693 tomcat-i18n-fr.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 51 678 tomcat-i18n-ja.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 124 006 tomcat-jdbc.jar 02.07.2013 08:59 23 201 tomcat-util.jar 14.01.2014 12:25 0 tomcat7-lib-files.txt 30.03.2010 04:52 243 651 xdb.jar 10.01.2014 13:24 263 097 xdb6.jar 22.11.2006 19:44 1 223 877 xercesImpl.jar 02.01.2014 11:10 85 686 xml-apis-ext-1.3.04.jar 22.11.2006 19:44 194 354 xml-apis.jar 17.01.2010 08:08 1 382 291 xmlparserv2.jar 30 File(s) 12 192 467 bytes It works, but when starting Tomcat there raises a warning: WARNING: Exception configuring digester to permit java encoding names in XML files. Only IANA encoding names will be supported. org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException: http://apache.org/xml/features/allow-java-encodings at oracle.xml.jaxp.JXSAXParserFactory.setFeature(JXSAXParserFactory.java:129) .... By adding xercesImpl.jar (dated 22.11.2006 19:44) this warning does not raise. I don't remember any more, where this version of this jar was found. Now I have to go on with Vaadin (real project - not only studying for future). Bye. |
Hi Jouko,
I'm glad things are working. I don't think you need to worry about that message. (Especially since this will go away when you'll upgrade to 4.5 or if you're on the PE to 4.4.1 PE.) Alex
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