Sharing the art of oil painting

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Sharing the art of oil painting

Many people think they are making a great purchase when they buy oil paintings at reputable, large art galleries in Manhattan on Madison Avenue, Fifty-Seventh Street or in Tribeca. Oil paintings by unknown but decorative modern artists sell easily for over $10,000 each. However, if you try to resell these paintings, you may receive far less money than you paid. Generally, the only way to sell these works is to accept one-half of the sale price or possibly much less than what you paid in the gallery. Famous Oil Paintings Sometimes the gallery is willing to sell the painting on a consignment basis and will only take one-third or one-half of the sales price. This is a better arrangement if the work sells. But it could take one to two years before it does; or it may never sell. If you have a great eye, the way to make the most money buying art is to buy a relatively unknown artist's work at a gallery before the artist becomes famous and while the prices are still low. If you hit it right, you can have an astronomical increase in value. You have to have a good enough eye, a deep enough pocket, good luck and the patience to succeed.