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Search fields in form summary screen

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Search fields in form summary screen

James Newcombe
34 posts
When editing a field in Form Builder, I get the option to select to show the field in Search and in Summary. The first time I published my form, that worked nicely, and I got six search/summary fields. For the 20th iteration of the form, the customer asked me to add another four search/summary fields. Having done that and published it, I got all the summary fields I asked for, but only the same six search fields.

I've tried republishing the form and clearing the database of old form instances (in case it was some kind of versioning issue) and still I don't see the additional search fields.

Is there a way to force the search system (lucene ?) to go away and rebuild it's indexes, so that it takes note of any new search fields I've added ?

Alternatively, am I just looking at the wrong thing, and search indexes have nothing to do with this ?

Any suggestions welcome  
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Re: Search fields in form summary screen

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
Hi James,

This should work as you expected; i.e. if you republish a new version
of the form with additional search fields, the additional fields
should show on the summary page. Which version of Orbeon Forms are you
on? What database are you using to store the data for your form? Are
you using form versioning?

(And no, currently we don't use Lucene for search. Search is just done
by the database, which has some upsides and downsides compared to
using Lucene.)


On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 5:27 AM, James Newcombe
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> When editing a field in Form Builder, I get the option to select to show the
> field in Search and in Summary. The first time I published my form, that
> worked nicely, and I got six search/summary fields. For the 20th iteration
> of the form, the customer asked me to add another four search/summary
> fields. Having done that and published it, I got all the summary fields I
> asked for, but only the same six search fields.
> I've tried republishing the form and clearing the database of old form
> instances (in case it was some kind of versioning issue) and still I don't
> see the additional search fields.
> Is there a way to force the search system (lucene ?) to go away and rebuild
> it's indexes, so that it takes note of any new search fields I've added ?
> Alternatively, am I just looking at the wrong thing, and search indexes have
> nothing to do with this ?
> Any suggestions welcome
> --
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Re: Search fields in form summary screen

James Newcombe
34 posts

I have versions 4.8.0 and 4.8.2, both on SQLServer 2008 R2 Standard. It works (or doesn't) the same way in both systems.

I am using form versioning. I don't know if the fields I've set as available for search in our second iteration of the form are searchable or not, but they don't appear when I ask for the search options to be expanded on the summary screen.

I did wonder if there is a maximum number of fields that can be marked for search, but that being the case, 6 would seem to be a relatively low number.

Is there something in the database I can check to see if publishing the form has correctly marked the fields as 'available for search' ?
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Re: Search fields in form summary screen

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
Hi James,

There is no maximum number of fields that can be marked as searchable. What is the type of the fields that don't show; i.e. Are they regular input fields? Is there anything special about those fields? If there really is nothing, would you be able to share with us the source of a form definition that we can use to reproduce the issue?

Fields are just marked as searchable in the form definition. So if you reopen the form in Form Builder, and see them marked as searchable, and publish that form, then you should be good.


On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 12:46 PM, James Newcombe
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Alex,
> I have versions 4.8.0 and 4.8.2, both on SQLServer 2008 R2 Standard. It
> works (or doesn't) the same way in both systems.
> I am using form versioning. I don't know if the fields I've set as available
> for search in our second iteration of the form are searchable or not, but
> they don't appear when I ask for the search options to be expanded on the
> summary screen.
> I did wonder if there is a maximum number of fields that can be marked for
> search, but that being the case, 6 would seem to be a relatively low number.
> Is there something in the database I can check to see if publishing the form
> has correctly marked the fields as 'available for search' ?
> --
> View this message in context: http://discuss.orbeon.com/Search-fields-in-form-summary-screen-tp4659886p4659894.html
> Sent from the Orbeon Forms community mailing list mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Orbeon Forms" group.
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Re: Search fields in form summary screen

Erik Bruchez
6632 posts

We identified this as a bug and fixed it:

