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Save-final xpl

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Save-final xpl

Orbeon has an action called save-final.
I could find a property in property- form-runner.xml

<property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.detail.process.save-final.*.*">
then validate-all
then save
then success-mesaage("save-success')
recover error-message("database-error")
</property >

How does it relate to xpl?
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Re: Save-final xpl

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Ken,

I am not sure to fully understand your question: `save-final` is a process, and as such is defined through a property, which defines what sequence of actions to execute when the process runs. This isn't directly related to XPL. You can find more about buttons and processes on the page linked below. Does this help clarify the question you had in mind?


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Re: Save-final xpl

This post was updated on Nov 15, 2016; 6:56am.
Hi Vernet,

Thanks for the clarification. Actually, I would like to figure out the whole process cycle when form runner execute the save action defined in save-final process.

Is the execution involves XPL?
How form runner calls the server side code?
which server side code get executed?

Appreciate if you could elaborate or pin point any reading material for this process cycle.


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Re: Save-final xpl

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Kenneth,

The buttons at the bottom of the form are implemented in an XBL component (of which there are on your form as many instances as there are buttons there). The component is implemented in process-button.xbl, and calls the server-side code from XPath with fr:run-process-by-name(…), which is implemented in FormRunnerFunctionLibrary.scala, and calls the "real" code in SimpleProcess.scala. Does this help?

If you want to read the actual code, you can find it all on GitHub. But of course, the idea is that you shouldn't need to, and that the documentation should be enough. So, you'll let us know if there is anything that you think the documentation should cover, while it doesn't.

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Re: Save-final xpl

Noted. Thanks for the explanation. It really helpful especially for the new comers.
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Re: Save-final xpl

Alessandro  Vernet
I'm glad it helped!
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