Running Orbeon in the same context as another webapp

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Running Orbeon in the same context as another webapp

Tom Grahame
Dear list,

I have a fairly complex Orbeon Forms application that uses XForms, Page Flow and Pipeline processors. Up until now I have taken XML from a separate Java Struts based application using the url-generator processor and sent XML back to it using submission with no trouble. Problems have arisen now the Orbeon app and the Struts app need to share information, such as whether and how long for a user is logged in.

For instance I would have liked my Orbeon app to read the cookie set by by the Struts app for login status information, but since they use different sessions and context this isn't easy (if not impossible), and I believe that is by design.

From the documentation I know that I can integrate XForms and the Orbeon XForms Engine into the Struts webapp, but would this mean I can't use my pipelines and page flow?

Does anyone have any suggestions for how such a combination of apps might be done?

I really don't want to lose the functionality that Page Flow and the Pipelines provide.


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Re: Running Orbeon in the same context as another webapp

Tom Grahame
OK, my java colleague and I have mostly moved a struts application into the same context as our orbeon application and we can now read and write to the same session as well as maintaining the functionality of page flow and pipelines. We do still have problems around Java objects in the request session though, but I think this is more of a generic Java problem rather than anything to do with Orbeon.



Tom Grahame wrote
Dear list,

I have a fairly complex Orbeon Forms application that uses XForms, Page Flow and Pipeline processors. Up until now I have taken XML from a separate Java Struts based application using the url-generator processor and sent XML back to it using submission with no trouble. Problems have arisen now the Orbeon app and the Struts app need to share information, such as whether and how long for a user is logged in.

For instance I would have liked my Orbeon app to read the cookie set by by the Struts app for login status information, but since they use different sessions and context this isn't easy (if not impossible), and I believe that is by design.

From the documentation I know that I can integrate XForms and the Orbeon XForms Engine into the Struts webapp, but would this mean I can't use my pipelines and page flow?

Does anyone have any suggestions for how such a combination of apps might be done?

I really don't want to lose the functionality that Page Flow and the Pipelines provide.


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Re: Running Orbeon in the same context as another webapp

Alessandro Vernet

Tom Grahame wrote
OK, my java colleague and I have mostly moved a struts application into the same context as our orbeon application and we can now read and write to the same session as well as maintaining the functionality of page flow and pipelines. We do still have problems around Java objects in the request session though, but I think this is more of a generic Java problem rather than anything to do with Orbeon.
Thank you for the update on this, and of course let us know here if anything comes up along the way.
