Repeated Select1 Constraint: No two dropdowns can have the same value selected

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Repeated Select1 Constraint: No two dropdowns can have the same value selected

Anthony Bergeron
I have been trying to come up with a solution to place a constraint on a Select1 field within a repeat.  The constraint requires that no two Select1's have the same value.  If two of the Select1's have the same value, these two Select1's become invalid.

I have been investigating how to go about doing this and the problem I see if if you compare the nodes, you have to also not compare the same node against itself.  Is there a way to iterate through all of the other nodes and compare then against yourself within the constraint property within a bind using XPath 2.0?

Is this constraint even achievable at all?

This is an unlimited repeat and the Select1 initially has no value and is invalid