I currently have two queries
In the documentation
http://wiki.orbeon.com/forms/doc/developer-guide/configuration-properties/configuration-properties-form-runner#TOC-Overriding-resources it was mentioned that to rename save button in the form to custom name(say save-test), all i have to do is in properties-local.xml i have to include the following lines
<property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.resource.*.*.en.detail.labels.save-document" value="save-test"/>
But this did not work. I can open \apps\fr\i18n and edit resources.xml to change the button name but i want to configure it in properties-local.xml without editing the source. How can i achieve this ??
I want to have the save button without validations check. i.e, I should be able to save the form without even filling the mandatory fields. I saw in some post that'
" you could create your own
xforms:submission element within the form (by using the "Edit Source"
feature), and set the @validate attribute on that element to "false".
Then your button would call this submission. "
Can anyone elaborate on this. i.e, how can i create a submission with the actual save functionality but without the validations being carried out ??
Thanks and Regards,
Karthik jayarman