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RE: Handling "XForms error: Unable to retrieve XForms engine state from session cache."

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RE: Handling "XForms error: Unable to retrieve XForms engine state from session cache."

Dear Alex and Marcus,

I have the same problem that Marcus. I've tried to change oxf.xforms.cache.session.size but without success.
I have a model of around 10Kb, if I save this model 3 or 4 times I've got the session expiration error. But somehow the session is not expired because if I go press back on my browser I can operate normally and session is still there.

I don't know Marcus if you solved your problem or there is any workaround that may work.


-----Mensaje original-----
De: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] En nombre de Alessandro Vernet Enviado el: lunes, 21 de mayo de 2007 16:05
Para: [hidden email]
Asunto: Re: [ops-users] Handling "XForms error: Unable to retrieve XForms engine state from session cache."

Hi Marcus,

On 5/21/07, Marcus <[hidden email]> wrote:
> For our webapp we have one very hugh page for entering data and it may
> be that it tooks quite long to insert all nessesary data and when then
> the session has become invalid all work will be lost, wouldn't it? Is
> it possible to save the data anyway, cause the submission and save.xpl
> needs the session data i think :-(

In this case session expiration is not based on time, but on size. So allowing for a larger session might solve or at least alleviate the problem. You can change this in properties.xml; look for oxf.xforms.cache.session.size which by default is set to 500 KB. You can try to increase it to a few MB.

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms for the Enterprise http://www.orbeon.com/

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Re: Handling "XForms error: Unable to retrieve XForms engine state from session cache."

Alessandro Vernet

On 7/8/07, [hidden email] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I have the same problem that Marcus. I've tried to change oxf.xforms.cache.session.size
> but without success.
> I have a model of around 10Kb, if I save this model 3 or 4 times I've got the
> session expiration error. But somehow the session is not expired because if
> I go press back on my browser I can operate normally and session is still there.

Are you using a recent nightly build of Orbeon Forms? Some very
significant improvements to the session handling code went in one or
two weeks ago, so if you are not using a recent nightly build, you
might want to try one.

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms, open-source, for the Enterprise

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RE: Handling "XForms error: Unable to retrieve XForms engine state from session cache."

Dear Alex and Erik,

I would add to this thread that it seems something related to xforms:dialog.

It often occurs when I made the xforms:send submission on a trigger inside a
xforms:dialog. It seems something independent of cache configuration,
because the error is aleatory and it doesn't depend on instance size.

I don't know if you corrected it in the last versions. I am working with a
version one month old.

This is the error message produced:

Exception at line 61, column 43 of oxf:/ops/xforms/xforms-server-submit.xpl
(executing processor:
org.orbeon.oxf.common.OXFException: Unable to retrieve XForms engine state
from session cache.

-----Mensaje original-----
De: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] En nombre de Alessandro
Enviado el: lunes, 09 de julio de 2007 10:29
Para: [hidden email]
Asunto: Re: [ops-users] Handling "XForms error: Unable to retrieve XForms
engine state from session cache."


On 7/8/07, [hidden email] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I have the same problem that Marcus. I've tried to change
> but without success.
> I have a model of around 10Kb, if I save this model 3 or 4 times I've got
> session expiration error. But somehow the session is not expired because
> I go press back on my browser I can operate normally and session is still

Are you using a recent nightly build of Orbeon Forms? Some very
significant improvements to the session handling code went in one or
two weeks ago, so if you are not using a recent nightly build, you
might want to try one.

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms, open-source, for the Enterprise

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Re: Handling "XForms error: Unable to retrieve XForms engine state from session cache."

Alessandro Vernet

On 8/1/07, Jordi Amatller <[hidden email]> wrote:
> It often occurs when I made the xforms:send submission on a trigger inside a
> xforms:dialog. It seems something independent of cache configuration,
> because the error is aleatory and it doesn't depend on instance size.
> I don't know if you corrected it in the last versions. I am working with a
> version one month old.

Sorry, I haven't seen anything like what you are describing. Could you
try to upgrade to a nightly build and try this again? If you can
reproduce this with a nightly build, it would be great if you could
send a test case we can run in the sandbox.

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms, open-source, for the Enterprise

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