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Query about repeated grid control in Orbeon forms

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Query about repeated grid control in Orbeon forms

10 posts
When trying to create a repeated grid in a form builder, if the number of
columns are less than 5, then no issue, but if more than 5, it keeps on
squeezing the controls.
Our usecase has more than 20 columns for a repeated grid.
* Is there any way to add a horizontal scroll bar in repeated grid itself

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Re: Query about repeated grid control in Orbeon forms

Aaron Spike
112 posts
I don't have an answer regarding horizontal scrollbars in a repeated grid, but we've used repeated sections where we had need of many fields inside of a repeat. As a bonus, this allowed us to create a layout that was a little more user-friendly than a simple grid.

On Monday, November 26, 2018 at 11:36:07 AM UTC-6, Vikas K wrote:
When trying to create a repeated grid in a form builder, if the number of
columns are less than 5, then no issue, but if more than 5, it keeps on
squeezing the controls.
Our usecase has more than 20 columns for a repeated grid.
* Is there any way to add a horizontal scroll bar in repeated grid itself

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Re: Query about repeated grid control in Orbeon forms

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
In reply to this post by vikaha
Hi Vikas,

I haven't tried, but would think that it is possible to add a horizontal
scrollbar adding your own CSS to the form. This being said, horizontal
scrollbars don't make for very user friendly UIs, so I would first try to
look for another way to layout the fields on the page so not to require
horizontal scrollbars.


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