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Problem with OPS 3.6 (xforms:submission element)

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Problem with OPS 3.6 (xforms:submission element)

  We are using liferay 4.2.1 and Ops Xforms 3.6. The portlet application behaves as web application when we use   <xforms:submission..../> element
when we directly specify the path using <xhtml:a....> it behaves as a portlet application.
Here we need only portlet application. I have attached screenshot along with this mail for your reference as well as my sample code. Please help me.   
1. Screen shots :
  1.1  It is the view in which we have a hyperlink1(To llist.xhtml page),combo box(Language),submitone(a submit button), hyperlink2(comes from epliogue-portle.xpl)
   1.2 If i click on hyperlink1(To llist.xhtml page) I am getting portlet application, if i select Language or submitone button i get web application
        ie., From my knowledge hyperlink1 uses epilogue-portlet.xpl whereas Laguage or submitone uses epilogue-servlet.xpl. I confirmed this by finding that
                       (Hyperlink2) Back To Portlet Home which comes from epligue-portlet.xpl (portlet application) whereas absent in
                        epligue-servlet.xpl (web application).
    Note:  Same application works fine with OPS 3.5 ,Liferay 4.2.1 or 4.2.2
2. page-flow.xml
 <config xmlns="http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/controller"
   <page id="test-page"   path-info="/"
 <page id="test-laxmi"   path-info="/main_Config/myaction"   
 <epilogue url="oxf:/config/epilogue.xpl"/>
3. list-records-view.xhtml
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
  <xsl:template match="/">

 <xforms:instance id="main-instance">                                
 <xforms:submission id="list-submission" ref="instance('main-instance')"  method="post"  action="/main_Config/myaction"/>

 <xhtml:a href="/main_Config/myaction">Back to portlet home</xhtml:a>
      <xforms:action ev:event="DOMActivate">
      <xforms:send submission="list-submission"/>
    <xforms:select1 ref="instance('main-instance')/language">
      <xforms:label>Choose one...</xforms:label>
     <xforms:action  ev:event="xforms-value-changed"  >
     <xforms:send submission="list-submission" />



4. llist.xhtml
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
 <xsl:template match="/">

                   <xhtml:title>Display Page</xhtml:title>
                                     This is second page


Thanks and Regards
Senthilvel.A [ Software Developer ]

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Re: Problem with OPS 3.6 (xforms:submission element)

Alessandro Vernet
On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 12:12 AM, Senthilvel <[hidden email]> wrote:
>   We are using liferay 4.2.1 and Ops Xforms 3.6. The portlet application
> behaves as web application when we use   <xforms:submission..../> element

Recently, we haven't been using the portlet functionality much here,
but I remember that at some point a bug was introduced which broke the
<xforms:submission replace="all"> and <xforms:load> in portlets. See
below the bug for the <xforms:load>.


For now you can either make sure that your portlet are all in "one
page", i.e. that they only update by sending <xforms:submission
replace="instance"> to the server. You can maybe use an
<xforms:switch> instead of having different pages.

The alternative is for you to investigate in the Java code of Orbeon
Forms what goes wrong, and why the <xforms:submission replace="all">
and <xforms:load> take you out of the portal. The fix might be simple
(as this clearly used to work), but getting "into the code" might be a
somewhat more involved.

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms, open-source, for the Enterprise
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Re: Problem with OPS 3.6 (xforms:submission element)

I just stumbled upon this bug and it is unfortunately blocking further progress for me.  Having my portlet contained to a single "page" isn't an option for what I'm building.

Thus, after inspecting the code a bit, I'm willing to contribute a solution.  Perhaps somebody could point me to the code change that introduced this bug?


PS is nobody using Orbeon in a portal?  This seems to be a massive defect that's almost a year old..

Alessandro Vernet wrote
On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 12:12 AM, Senthilvel <senthil.xforms@gmail.com> wrote:
>   We are using liferay 4.2.1 and Ops Xforms 3.6. The portlet application
> behaves as web application when we use   <xforms:submission..../> element

Recently, we haven't been using the portlet functionality much here,
but I remember that at some point a bug was introduced which broke the
<xforms:submission replace="all"> and <xforms:load> in portlets. See
below the bug for the <xforms:load>.


For now you can either make sure that your portlet are all in "one
page", i.e. that they only update by sending <xforms:submission
replace="instance"> to the server. You can maybe use an
<xforms:switch> instead of having different pages.

The alternative is for you to investigate in the Java code of Orbeon
Forms what goes wrong, and why the <xforms:submission replace="all">
and <xforms:load> take you out of the portal. The fix might be simple
(as this clearly used to work), but getting "into the code" might be a
somewhat more involved.

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms, open-source, for the Enterprise
Orbeon's Blog: http://www.orbeon.com/blog/
Personal Blog: http://avernet.blogspot.com/
Twitter - http://twitter.com/avernet

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Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms, open-source, for the Enterprise
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Re: Problem with OPS 3.6 (xforms:submission element)

Alessandro Vernet
AlecL wrote
I just stumbled upon this bug and it is unfortunately blocking further progress for me.  Having my portlet contained to a single "page" isn't an option for what I'm building.

Thus, after inspecting the code a bit, I'm willing to contribute a solution.  Perhaps somebody could point me to the code change that introduced this bug?
You are making a reference to this bug:


I think this bug is now fixed (as of December 2008), and has been left open by mistake. Could you elaborate on the issue you are seeing? I assume you are doing a submission; but can you tell us more about it?
