Portlet configuration

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Portlet configuration

Jeroen Hoffman

I have successfully deployed Orbeon (recent 3.7 trunk) in a Jetspeed-based portal to use Orbeon Forms Portlet. The standard configuration will make the portlet show it's 'home' page, but I have changed this behaviour by setting some init-params in portlet.xml:
oxf.main-processor.name to page-flow and oxf.main-processor.input.controller
to oxf:/apps/myApp/page-flow.xml.

This will make the initial content to be rendered from myApp. Is this actually the proper way to configure initial content?

Furthermore, I want the have initial content set up twice (differently) in two different page fragments;
one for a main page and one for a detail page. I've tried this by duplicating the <portlet>
configuration in portlet.xml under a different portlet-name, with different xf.main-processor.input.controller settings. This does not work, the init-params seem to be applied once, both portlets show the same content.

I'd best like to have some 'initial path' parameter that can be matched by the page path-info attribute in the page-flow. Does that exist?

Jeroen Hoffman
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Re: Portlet configuration

Jeroen Hoffman
An update: I did make things work by duplicating the <portlet> configuration in portlet.xml under a different portlet-name.

Still, I'd like to know if I'm on the right track here, because I'd rather use the page path-info attribute in the page-flow to determine the initial content / view.

Jeroen Hoffman

Jeroen Hoffman wrote

I have successfully deployed Orbeon (recent 3.7 trunk) in a Jetspeed-based portal to use Orbeon Forms Portlet. The standard configuration will make the portlet show it's 'home' page, but I have changed this behaviour by setting some init-params in portlet.xml:
oxf.main-processor.name to page-flow and oxf.main-processor.input.controller
to oxf:/apps/myApp/page-flow.xml.

This will make the initial content to be rendered from myApp. Is this actually the proper way to configure initial content?

Furthermore, I want the have initial content set up twice (differently) in two different page fragments;
one for a main page and one for a detail page. I've tried this by duplicating the <portlet>
configuration in portlet.xml under a different portlet-name, with different xf.main-processor.input.controller settings. This does not work, the init-params seem to be applied once, both portlets show the same content.

I'd best like to have some 'initial path' parameter that can be matched by the page path-info attribute in the page-flow. Does that exist?

Jeroen Hoffman