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PDF processor and embedding font

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PDF processor and embedding font

Florent Georges-3

  I wonder what's the difference between the two processors
xslfo-serializer and xslfo-converter.  I didn't find any
comprehensive documentation for any of them.

  Is it also possible to tell them to embed specific fonts
in the generated PDF?

   Best regards,


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Re: PDF processor and embedding font

Alessandro Vernet

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 6:13 AM, Florent Georges <[hidden email]> wrote:
>  I wonder what's the difference between the two processors
> xslfo-serializer and xslfo-converter.  I didn't find any
> comprehensive documentation for any of them.

The serializer produces of the PDF and sends the result back through
HTTP. The converter does just the first part: it produces a binary
stream corresponding to the PDF data, which you can then feed to the
HTTP serializer. Because it is more flexible, going forward we
recommend you use the converter.

You can find some documentation about that converter on:

>  Is it also possible to tell them to embed specific fonts
> in the generated PDF?

Can you express this in XSL-FO? If you can't, the answer is most
likely "not without changing the code for the XSL-FO converter".

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Re: PDF processor and embedding font

Florent Georges-3
Alessandro Vernet wrote:

> On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 6:13 AM, Florent Georges wrote:


> >  I wonder what's the difference between the two processors
> > xslfo-serializer and xslfo-converter.

> The serializer produces of the PDF and sends the result back
> through HTTP. The converter does just the first part

  Thank you for that clarification.

> >  Is it also possible to tell them to embed specific fonts
> > in the generated PDF?

> Can you express this in XSL-FO? If you can't, the answer is most
> likely "not without changing the code for the XSL-FO converter".

  No, not in XSL-FO as XSL-FO is not about producing PDF.  One has to
tell its favorite XSL-FO to PDF processor to do that.  FOP for instance
allows you to set a config file with among other things all font

  The point is that the documentation of the XSL-FO to PDF step in
Orbeon is quite short, and it doesn't say anything about the options it
supports and how to set them (at least I haven't seen it.)  Does such a
list exist?



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Re: Re: PDF processor and embedding font

Erik Bruchez
> The point is that the documentation of the XSL-FO to PDF step in
> Orbeon is quite short, and it doesn't say anything about the options  
> it
> supports and how to set them (at least I haven't seen it.)  Does  
> such a
> list exist?

Unfortunately no, the source is the documentation for this feature at  
this point.


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Re: PDF processor and embedding font

Florent Georges-3
Erik Bruchez wrote:


> Unfortunately no, the source is the documentation for this
> feature at this point.

  Ok, thank you.  That's ok, I've just had a look and that's not too
complex to understand ;-)

  So regarding the problem we have, we'll maybe decide to write our own
XSL-FO to PDF processor and make it accept more options.  I'll try to
post the result if I think it could be worth.

  Thanks for the help,


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Re: Re: PDF processor and embedding font

Erik Bruchez
>> Unfortunately no, the source is the documentation for this
>> feature at this point.
>  Ok, thank you.  That's ok, I've just had a look and that's not too
> complex to understand ;-)
>  So regarding the problem we have, we'll maybe decide to write our own
> XSL-FO to PDF processor and make it accept more options.  I'll try to
> post the result if I think it could be worth.

That sounds good. Thanks for the update.


Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way

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