Is it possible to have two PDF buttons on the form view, one that will print using the PDF template that is attached to the form template and another that ignores the attached PDF template and uses the default pdf output.
I see that pdf-view.xpl already has a test for the existence of a pdf template to decide which version of the print-pdf xpl to run
<p:when test="normalize-space(/*/xh:head//xf:instance[@id = 'fr-form-attachments']/*/pdf) != ''">
but I can't see a way to control this via the button.
Also, there doesn't seem to be anyway to customise the process for the pdf button. Is this hardcoded? I note that the documentation on buttons and processes explicitly excludes clear and pdf from the list of buttons that you can customise the process for (since 4.2 it says). Is there some other way to do this?