Orbeon via cURL

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Orbeon via cURL


I'm trying to submit a orbeon from on one domain, from a php-script on another domain.

To to this is I submitted the form in my browser and then exactly mimicked all posts to the server from firebug (with different ids obviously). The problem is what when I get to the first submission out of three, the server response is just encrypted data by the looks of it (I get the proper response headers). In the browser its plain html. All my xml-post get the proper responses.

Any idea what might be the problem?

Perhaps this isn't enough information, but what I'm interested in is whats normally the problem when you get an encrypted response. I don't have access to the form server at the moment.

Thank you.
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Re: Orbeon via cURL

Alessandro  Vernet

You're saying you're tying to "submit a orbeon from on one domain, from a php-script on another domain", but I don't know what that means… could you describe the scenario in more details?

Also, what is that "encrypted response" you're talking about? Could you quote or add a screen shot showing that response, so we can better see what you're referring to.

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