Is there any way I can tell when my persistence API receives a GET request such as
GET /persistence/cpf/crud/CPF/adv-care-plan-disc-record/data/201602244/data.xml
if this request was for a user viewing a form or opening the form for an edit? There don't seem to be any differences between the two requests that I am seeing, the headers are all the same.
I want to be able to tell if two users are trying to edit the same form at the same time. I can see that there are two get requests but one or both might just be to view the form. The problem I have is that if two users edit a form and both do a save, the second save will overwrite the first and I currently have no way to detect that this has happened. I don't want to implement a pessimistic lock on edits but I don't see how I can do an optimistic lock either.