I'm testing Orbeon on CentOS 6.2 using MySQL 5.1.52 and JBOSS 5.1. When I go to the landing page, I can get the Form Runner Home just fine (I see a bunch of applications and forms). When I click on a title, it starts to load but then I get an "Error performing search." error. If I look at the orbeon.log file, I can see the following: ERROR SQLProcessor - PreparedStatement: select created, last_modified_time, document_id, username, groupname, draft , extractValue(xml, '/*/[1]/[1]') detail_1, extractValue(xml, '/*/[1]/[1]') detail_2, extractValue(xml, '/*/[1]/[1]') detail_3, extractValue(xml, '/*/[1]/[1]') detail_4 from ( select * from ( select d.created, d.last_modified_time, d.document_id, d.xml, d.username, d.groupname, d.draft, @rownum := @rownum + 1 row_number from ( select * from ( select d.created, d.last_modified_time, d.document_id, d.xml, d.username, d.groupname, d.draft, @rownum := @rownum + 1 row_number from ( ( select data.* from orbeon_form_data data, ( select max(last_modified_time) last_modified_time, app, form, document_id from orbeon_form_data where app = ? and form = ? and draft = 'N' group by app, form, document_id ) latest where data.last_modified_time = latest.last_modified_time and data.app = latest.app and data.form = latest.form and data.document_id = latest.document_id and data.deleted = 'N' and data.draft = 'N' ) ) d , (select @rownum := 0) r order by d.created desc ) a where row_number between 1 and 40 ) a 2013-12-20 08:02:07,067 ERROR PageFlowControllerProcessor - error caught {controller: "oxf:/apps/fr/page-flow.xml", method: "POST", path: "/fr/service/mysql/search/Safet/Morning_Maintenance_Report"} 2013-12-20 08:02:07,087 ERROR PageFlowControllerProcessor - Any help would be greatly appreciated. |
Can you post the full log and your db config from the properties-local.xml Regards Bala |
Bala, here's server.xml:
orbeon.log Here's the properties-local.xml: <properties xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:oxf="http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/processors"> <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.mysql.datasource" value="mysql"/> <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.persistence.provider.*.*.*" value="mysql"/> <property as="xs:anyURI" name="oxf.fr.persistence.app.uri.*.*.*" value="/fr/service/mysql"/> <property as="xs:boolean" name="oxf.fr.version.*.*" value="false"/> <property as="xs:boolean" name="oxf.fr.summary.show-created.*.*" value="false"/> <property as="xs:boolean" name="oxf.fr.summary.show-last-modified.*.*" value="false"/> <property as="xs:integer" name="oxf.fr.summary.page-size.*.*" value="40"/> <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.detail.buttons.*.*" value="refresh close clear save workflow-review collapse-all expand-all"/> <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.detail.buttons.view.*.*" value="pdf back"/> <property as="xs:anyURI" name="oxf.url-rewriting.service.base-uri" value="http://localhost:8080/orbeon"/> </properties> Thanks! |
Hi iarenzana,
If you look at the log then you can see that Orbeon throw a "XPATH syntax error: '[1]/[1]'". Can you check that the form you try to open dosn't have any syntax error.. does this error occur on all the form? Regards Bala |
Yeah, this seems to happen for every form. These forms should not have any syntax errors because we've imported them from previous Orbeon installations.
I'm paying closer attention to the search.xpl and page-flow.xml files. There seems to be some logic on search.xpl that works with different databases. Could it be that the forms we have stored on MySQL are out of date? (created with a previous version of Orbeon Forms). If so, how could I update them? Just a thought; not sure the problem is related.
Do you also have this problem if you create a new form, save it, and open it? If not, it could indeed be that Form Builder doesn't recognize older forms, which we would consider as a bug. If that is the case, would you be able to share with us the source of such a form, by attaching it to a response here?
Follow Orbeon on Twitter: @orbeon Follow me on Twitter: @avernet |
Alex, Thanks for your help. I can create a new application and form and the search doesn’t send an error and shows forms created under it. I’m sending you the source
of the definition of one of our forms. Thanks, Ismael From: Alessandro Vernet [via Orbeon Forms community mailing list] [mailto:ml-node+[hidden email]]
Do you also have this problem if you create a new form, save it, and open it? If not, it could indeed be that Form Builder doesn't recognize older forms, which we would consider as a bug. If that is the case, would you be able to share
with us the source of such a form, by attaching it to a response here? -- If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below: http://discuss.orbeon.com/Orbeon-not-loading-searches-tp4657779p4657803.html
To unsubscribe from Orbeon not loading searches,
click here. View this message in context: RE: Orbeon not loading searches Sent from the Orbeon Forms community mailing list mailing list archive at Nabble.com. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Orbeon Forms" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [hidden email]. To post to this group, send email to [hidden email]. |
In reply to this post by Alessandro Vernet
Thanks for your help. I can create a new application and form and the search doesn’t send an error and shows forms created under it. I’m sending you the source of the definition of one of our forms. Thanks, Ismael form_defition.txt |
Hi Ismael,
When are you getting an error exactly? I was able to take your form source, paste it in Form Builder, save, publish, go to the new page for the form, fill out the data, save, and see the summary page for the form. Alex
Follow Orbeon on Twitter: @orbeon Follow me on Twitter: @avernet |
If I load Form Runner I get a list of available forms. Once I click on one of the forms it searches for the available forms and get the error (see attached screenshot). Our database's collation is latin1, I don't think that's a problem since new forms work just fine; but just in case.
orbeon_error.png |
Also, orbeon.log seems to be sending a further error (attached).orbeon_error.log
So I got something to work. If I open the form in Form Builder and re-publish it, I can go into Form Runner and run it normally without errors. Maybe we can find out the reason why re-publishing the form is necessary?
Hi Ismael,
So you're getting this error when you arrive at the following URL or similar, right? I tried to reproduce this with a verbatim 4.4 build, setting it up to use MySQL, but I don't get any error. http://localhost:8080/orbeon/fr/Safety/Rental_Lease_Activity/summary Alex
Follow Orbeon on Twitter: @orbeon Follow me on Twitter: @avernet |
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