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Orbeon Http Service Call PRoblem in Production Environment

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Orbeon Http Service Call PRoblem in Production Environment

4 posts

Http service call from orbeon forms is working fine both in local environment and staging environment. It is able to fetch the data from the http service call.
When I tested the service call from production environment from orbeon form builder it is not able to fetch the data.(orbeon_service_error_1 and orbeon_service_error_2)
When I make call using the same url from browser it is able to fetch the data and display(orbeon_service_error_3)

NOTE : Production server is SSL enabled
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Re: Orbeon Http Service Call PRoblem in Production Environment

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
Thank you for the detailed report, including the screenshots; this is very helpful. A few comments:

- When you're saying that the calls are working fine in the local and staging environments, but not in the production environment, is this always when doing the calls from the "HTTP Service Editor" dialog in Form Builder?
- Are the calls always done over HTTPS, or is it HTTP in some cases and HTTPS in others?
- The call you're doing from the browser itself is a GET, but in the dialogs you've put POST as the method. Could you try changing it to GET, if GET works for you?

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