Hi all,
I'm testing Orbeon with a separate Java Application.
I've downloaded Orbeon 3.9-PE and i've followed the instruction of the
Developer Guide, to Using Orbeon XForms Engine with Java Application.
In My Java App, i've copied the orbeon-xforms-filter.jar, included in the Orbeon 3.9-PE Package, and i've modified web.xml to filter the "/xforms/*" url-pattern. Also i've configured My App to use crossContext in tomcat. Then I've copied the xform "guess-the-number" under my "xforms" folder.
All configuration seems ok, but when I try to access my jsp at the url
http://localhost/myapp/xforms/guess-the-number, nothing happens. With firebug, I've found 4 error, it looks like that the Orbeon filter try to access at some resources in a wrong mode. This is an example of the wrong URL:
http://localhost/orbeon-PE/orbeon-PE/'ve tried to use a different version of orbeon-xforms-filter.jar: with 3.8 version nothing change, but with 3.7 version, the xform "guess-the-number" works well because the orbeon filter access at the same resources in a different mode. This is an example of the right URL:
http://localhost/myapp/orbeon-PE/ it a bug? or Have i miss something in my configuration?!?!
Thanks in advance and sorry for my imperfect english
