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Orbeon Forms 3.5 - xforms:help

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Orbeon Forms 3.5 - xforms:help

Tanya Gray (Oxford)
Further to installation of OF 3.5, the xforms:help elements in my input forms are displayed as 'Help' text instead of an image. Is there an explanation for why this is the case? I looked to update the config/xforms.css file to add a background image to the .xforms-help-image class, however, the help text is still displayed.

Also, I have found that some of my XQuery statements are no longer executed correctly in the xml-db processor (previously working with OPS 3.1), e.g. $x//element-name
- this no longer returns matching elements and needs to be changed to: $x//*[./name() eq 'element-name']
Anyone know why this might be?

thank you

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Re: Orbeon Forms 3.5 - xforms:help

Alessandro Vernet

On 3/8/07, Tanya Gray (Oxford) <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Further to installation of OF 3.5, the xforms:help elements in my input forms are
> displayed as 'Help' text instead of an image. Is there an explanation for why this is the
> case? I looked to update the config/xforms.css file to add a background image to the
> .xforms-help-image class, however, the help text is still displayed.

There used to only a label for help. Now there is an image and a
label. When we only had a label, the image was displayed by setting it
as a background to the label in CSS. But that was causing some
problems, hence the image and the label.

We have an alt attribute on the help image, because that attribute is
required in HTML. But it won't get displayed if CSS/JavaScript is
working as it should on your browser.

I admit that we need to revisit the HTML we output for help, and improve that.

> Also, I have found that some of my XQuery statements are no longer executed correctly
> in the xml-db processor (previously working with OPS 3.1), e.g. $x//element-name
> - this no longer returns matching elements and needs to be changed to: $x//*[./name() eq
> 'element-name']

Most likely, this is due to the new version of eXist. Can you try to
run this query with the eXist client?

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms for the Enterprise

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Re: Orbeon Forms 3.5 - xforms:help

Tanya Gray (Oxford)
In reply to this post by Tanya Gray (Oxford)

Regarding the xforms:help element, is it possible to continue to use an image for xforms:help? If so, what is the correct syntax to use? Up to now, I have used:

<xforms:help ref='..'/>

Regarding the XQuery, I am using the same eXist version as before - 1.0beta2. The query can be executed in the eXist Basic Xquery Interface. I just wonder what has changed in relation to the xml-db processor that might affect this, and if anyone else has come across it?
here is an example:



>>> [hidden email] 03/08/07 5:59 PM >>>

On 3/8/07, Tanya Gray (Oxford) <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Further to installation of OF 3.5, the xforms:help elements in my input forms are
> displayed as 'Help' text instead of an image. Is there an explanation for why this is the
> case? I looked to update the config/xforms.css file to add a background image to the
> .xforms-help-image class, however, the help text is still displayed.

There used to only a label for help. Now there is an image and a
label. When we only had a label, the image was displayed by setting it
as a background to the label in CSS. But that was causing some
problems, hence the image and the label.

We have an alt attribute on the help image, because that attribute is
required in HTML. But it won't get displayed if CSS/JavaScript is
working as it should on your browser.

I admit that we need to revisit the HTML we output for help, and improve that.

> Also, I have found that some of my XQuery statements are no longer executed correctly
> in the xml-db processor (previously working with OPS 3.1), e.g. $x//element-name
> - this no longer returns matching elements and needs to be changed to: $x//*[./name() eq
> 'element-name']

Most likely, this is due to the new version of eXist. Can you try to
run this query with the eXist client?

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms for the Enterprise

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Re: Orbeon Forms 3.5 - xforms:help

Alessandro Vernet

On 3/8/07, Tanya Gray (Oxford) <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Regarding the xforms:help element, is it possible to continue to use an image for
> xforms:help? If so, what is the correct syntax to use? Up to now, I have used:

Are you saying that in the browser, instead of seeing the question
mark image, you see the text "Help"? If this is the case, this is most
likely because the image cannot be found. You might want to check the
generated HTML (say with View source in the browser) to figure out why
the  image cannot be resolved.

> Regarding the XQuery, I am using the same eXist version as before - 1.0beta2. The query
> can be executed in the eXist Basic Xquery Interface. I just wonder what has changed in
> relation to the xml-db processor that might affect this, and if anyone else has come
> across it?

Then I don't have an answer. It is hard to figure this out without a
reproducible test case. The issue is that the test case here would be
a little more complex as it would need to include an XPL file and the
collection exported from eXist.

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms for the Enterprise

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Re: Orbeon Forms 3.5 - xforms:help

Joseph Lawrence
In reply to this post by Tanya Gray (Oxford)
Hi Tanya,
    Is it that you want to display an image inside the tooltip of xforms:help?
In that case the following might work:

<xforms:output value="'Help Image Demo'">
            <xforms:output value="'&lt;img src=&quot;/ops/images/xforms/remove.gif&quot;/>'" mediatype="text/html"/>

Joseph Lawrence
Stabilix Solutions

"Tanya Gray (Oxford)" <[hidden email]> wrote:

Regarding the xforms:help element, is it possible to continue to use an image for xforms:help? If so, what is the correct syntax to use? Up to now, I have used:

Regarding the XQuery, I am using the same eXist version as before - 1.0beta2. The query can be executed in the eXist Basic Xquery Interface. I just wonder what has changed in relation to the xml-db processor that might affect this, and if anyone else has come across it?
here is an example:



>>> [hidden email] 03/08/07 5:59 PM >>>

On 3/8/07, Tanya Gray (Oxford) wrote:
> Further to installation of OF 3.5, the xforms:help elements in my input forms are
> displayed as 'Help' text instead of an image. Is there an explanation for why this is the
> case? I looked to update the config/xforms.css file to add a background image to the
> .xforms-help-image class, however, the help text is still displayed.

There used to only a label for help. Now there is an image and a
label. When we only had a label, the image was displayed by setting it
as a background to the label in CSS. But that was causing some
problems, hence the image and the label.

We have an alt attribute on the help image, because that attribute is
required in HTML. But it won't get displayed if CSS/JavaScript is
working as it should on your browser.

I admit that we need to revisit the HTML we output for help, and improve that.

> Also, I have found that some of my XQuery statements are no longer executed correctly
> in the xml-db processor (previously working with OPS 3.1), e.g. $x//element-name
> - this no longer returns matching elements and needs to be changed to: $x//*[./name() eq
> 'element-name']

Most likely, this is due to the new version of eXist. Can you try to
run this query with the eXist client?

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms for the Enterprise

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Re: Orbeon Forms 3.5 - xforms:help

Tanya Gray (Oxford)
In reply to this post by Tanya Gray (Oxford)
thanks Joseph and Alex for your help - I have identified the cause:
 a custom theme.xsl file was added for use with the epilogue-servlet.xpl and an incorrect path for the help.gif image was used:

<!-- Add images to the page instead of using CSS to get around IE reloading issue -->
    <xsl:template match="xhtml:label[tokenize(@class, ' ') = 'xforms-help']" >
        <xsl:variable name="image-class" as="xs:string+" select="
            (for $c in tokenize(@class, ' ') return if ($c = 'xforms-help') then () else $c))"/>
        <xhtml:img alt="Help" title="" src="images/help.gif" class="{string-join($image-class, ' ')}"/>
            <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>

>>> [hidden email] 03/09/07 4:26 AM >>>
Hi Tanya,
    Is it that you want to display an image inside the tooltip of xforms:help?
In that case the following might work:

<xforms:output value="'Help Image Demo'">
            <xforms:output value="'<img src="/ops/images/xforms/remove.gif"/>'" mediatype="text/html"/>

Joseph Lawrence
Stabilix Solutions

"Tanya Gray (Oxford)" <[hidden email]> wrote: Alex

Regarding the xforms:help element, is it possible to continue to use an image for xforms:help? If so, what is the correct syntax to use? Up to now, I have used:

Regarding the XQuery, I am using the same eXist version as before - 1.0beta2. The query can be executed in the eXist Basic Xquery Interface. I just wonder what has changed in relation to the xml-db processor that might affect this, and if anyone else has come across it?
here is an example:




>>> [hidden email] 03/08/07 5:59 PM >>>

On 3/8/07, Tanya Gray (Oxford)  wrote:
> Further to installation of OF 3.5, the xforms:help elements in my input forms are
> displayed as 'Help' text instead of an image. Is there an explanation for why this is the
> case? I looked to update the config/xforms.css file to add a background image to the
> .xforms-help-image class, however, the help text is still displayed.

There used to only a label for help. Now there is an image and a
label. When we only had a label, the image was displayed by setting it
as a background to the label in CSS. But that was causing some
problems, hence the image and the label.

We have an alt attribute on the help image, because that attribute is
required in HTML. But it won't get displayed if CSS/JavaScript is
working as it should on your browser.

I admit that we need to revisit the HTML we output for help, and improve that.

> Also, I have found that some of my XQuery statements are no longer executed correctly
> in the xml-db processor (previously working with OPS 3.1), e.g. $x//element-name
> - this no longer returns matching elements and needs to be changed to: $x//*[./name() eq
> 'element-name']

Most likely, this is due to the new version of eXist. Can you try to
run this query with the eXist client?

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms for the Enterprise

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