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Opera Support

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Opera Support

76 posts
Hi there,

I'd just like to know if Opera is fully supported as brwoser by Orbeon
Forms. Because I got a small XForms application which also runs in the
XForms Sandbox using Opera as browser.

Now when I take the XForms components and integrated them into an existing
JSP application, those XForms controls do not work any longer using Opera,
whereas it still works fine using Firefox or IE.

It looks like as if the event stuff does not work with Opera. Selections are
not being update in the data instance, submissions aren't being done, etc.

Is there maybe anything I have to take care about to keep the XForms working
in Opera? Or is there maybe a way to find out why it does not work with

- bitbyter

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Re: Opera Support

Erik Bruchez
6632 posts
> I'd just like to know if Opera is fully supported as brwoser by Orbeon

> Forms. Because I got a small XForms application which also runs in the
> XForms Sandbox using Opera as browser.
> Now when I take the XForms components and integrated them into an existing
> JSP application, those XForms controls do not work any longer using Opera,
> whereas it still works fine using Firefox or IE.
> It looks like as if the event stuff does not work with Opera. Selections are
> not being update in the data instance, submissions aren't being done, etc.
> Is there maybe anything I have to take care about to keep the XForms working
> in Opera? Or is there maybe a way to find out why it does not work with
> Opera?
Things should just work out of the box in Opera. There are some
restrictions, like the HTML area
(xforms:textarea[@mediatype="text/html"]), and xforms:range. The rest
should work.

What version of Opera are you using? Do the Orbeon Forms examples work
with it?


Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way

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Re[2]: Opera Support

76 posts
Hello Erik,

Wednesday, May 16, 2007, 6:31:24 PM, you wrote:

> Things should just work out of the box in Opera. There are some
> restrictions, like the HTML area
> (xforms:textarea[@mediatype="text/html"]), and xforms:range. The rest
> should work.
> What version of Opera are you using? Do the Orbeon Forms examples work
> with it?

I'm using Opera 9.21 and the Orbeon Forms example work, too. Even my purist
XForms app worked within a minimal JSP page. After moving the that minimal
XForms to a larger JSP page it does no longer work within Opera, but still
works with Firefox and IE. :(

Unfortunately the Opera error/javascript console doesn't open when I click
it in the menu. So I can't check for any JavaScript errors.

- bitbyter

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Re[3]: Opera Support

76 posts
> Unfortunately the Opera error/javascript console doesn't open when I click
> it in the menu. So I can't check for any JavaScript errors.

Finally managed to open Opera's error console. Thus, what I get when I
select an item of a <xforms:select1> control is:

JavaScript - http://localhost:9090/my-webapp/pages/xforms/quiz/quiz-tryout.faces;jsessionid=416C90B23CC741CC8893D83C4DC37BFE
Timeout thread: delay 10 ms
name: TypeError
message: Statement on line 2081: Could not convert undefined or null to object
  Line 2081 of linked script http://localhost:9090/my-webapp/ops/xforms-server/xforms-min.js
    requestDocumentString += ORBEON.xforms.Globals.formStaticState[formIndex].value;
  Line 2007 of linked script http://localhost:9090/my-webapp/ops/xforms-server/xforms-min.js
  At unknown location
    [statement source code not available]

For convenience reasons I've attached the JavaScript which Opera complains

These JavaScript errors do not appear when my XForms stuff is within the
minimal JSP page.

Can you guys from Orboen help me with this?

- bitbyter

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Re[4]: Opera Support

76 posts
Sorry, forgot to attach the mentioned JavaScript...

Friday, May 18, 2007, 11:02:45 AM, you wrote:

>> Unfortunately the Opera error/javascript console doesn't open when I click
>> it in the menu. So I can't check for any JavaScript errors.

> Finally managed to open Opera's error console. Thus, what I get when I
> select an item of a <xforms:select1> control is:

> JavaScript -
> http://localhost:9090/my-webapp/pages/xforms/quiz/quiz-tryout.faces;jsessionid=416C90B23CC741CC8893D83C4DC37BFE
> Timeout thread: delay 10 ms
> Error:
> name: TypeError
> message: Statement on line 2081: Could not convert undefined or null to object
> Backtrace:
>   Line 2081 of linked script
> http://localhost:9090/my-webapp/ops/xforms-server/xforms-min.js
>     requestDocumentString +=
> ORBEON.xforms.Globals.formStaticState[formIndex].value;
>   Line 2007 of linked script
> http://localhost:9090/my-webapp/ops/xforms-server/xforms-min.js
>     ORBEON.xforms.Server.executeNextRequest(true);
>   At unknown location
>     [statement source code not available]

> For convenience reasons I've attached the JavaScript which Opera complains
> about.

> These JavaScript errors do not appear when my XForms stuff is within the
> minimal JSP page.

> Can you guys from Orboen help me with this?

> - bitbyter

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xforms-min.js (438K) Download Attachment
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Re: Opera Support

Erik Bruchez
6632 posts
In reply to this post by BitByter
BitByter wrote:

>> Unfortunately the Opera error/javascript console doesn't open when I click
>> it in the menu. So I can't check for any JavaScript errors.
> Finally managed to open Opera's error console. Thus, what I get when I
> select an item of a <xforms:select1> control is:
> JavaScript - http://localhost:9090/my-webapp/pages/xforms/quiz/quiz-tryout.faces;jsessionid=416C90B23CC741CC8893D83C4DC37BFE
> Timeout thread: delay 10 ms
> Error:
> name: TypeError
> message: Statement on line 2081: Could not convert undefined or null to object
> Backtrace:
>   Line 2081 of linked script http://localhost:9090/my-webapp/ops/xforms-server/xforms-min.js
>     requestDocumentString += ORBEON.xforms.Globals.formStaticState[formIndex].value;
>   Line 2007 of linked script http://localhost:9090/my-webapp/ops/xforms-server/xforms-min.js
>     ORBEON.xforms.Server.executeNextRequest(true);
>   At unknown location
>     [statement source code not available]
> For convenience reasons I've attached the JavaScript which Opera complains
> about.
> These JavaScript errors do not appear when my XForms stuff is within the
> minimal JSP page.
> Can you guys from Orboen help me with this?
That sounds like a bug! Is this something that can be reproduced in the


Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way

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Re[2]: Opera Support

76 posts
Hello Erik,

Friday, May 18, 2007, 5:18:12 PM, you wrote:

> That sounds like a bug! Is this something that can be reproduced in the
> sandbox?

Unfortunately I can't get that big JSP page to run in the XForms Sandbox. :(
It got a lot "includes" and custom tags.

What I just noticed is, that with Opera no "Loading" message appears when an
item  is  selected  from a select1 control, like it does with Firefox or IE.
Maybe this information helps?!

- bitbyter

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Re: Opera Support

Erik Bruchez
6632 posts
BitByter wrote:
> Hello Erik,
> Friday, May 18, 2007, 5:18:12 PM, you wrote:
>> That sounds like a bug! Is this something that can be reproduced in the
>> sandbox?
> Unfortunately I can't get that big JSP page to run in the XForms Sandbox. :(
> It got a lot "includes" and custom tags.

But the resulting XHTML+XForms could run in the sandbox, no?

> What I just noticed is, that with Opera no "Loading" message appears when an
> item  is  selected  from a select1 control, like it does with Firefox or IE.
> Maybe this information helps?!

That probably indicates that the JavaScript broke somewhere, not much
more :-(


Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise Done the Right Way

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Re: Re[3]: Opera Support

Alessandro Vernet
2020 posts
In reply to this post by BitByter

On 5/18/07, BitByter <[hidden email]> wrote:
> message: Statement on line 2081: Could not convert undefined or null to object
> Backtrace:
>   Line 2081 of linked script http://localhost:9090/my-webapp/ops/xforms-server/xforms-min.js
>     requestDocumentString += ORBEON.xforms.Globals.formStaticState[formIndex].value;

I see the line in the JavaScript code, but it is not obvious why this
would fail in Opera. We would really need to have a test case we can
run in the sandbox to be able to work on this.

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms for the Enterprise

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