Need help to resolve Import/Export issue with orbeon 3.8

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Need help to resolve Import/Export issue with orbeon 3.8

Hi All,

I see you have been a great help in resolving orbeon forum queries, really appreciate your effort. I am new to orbeon and just exploring this tool to export/import XL from/to database. Although we are getting a lot of OOTB features but having following concerns. Could you please spare sometime to shed some light on this?

Import :

It is very painful for user to format cell in excel file for creating node corresponding xml. For example we need to format the cell as “|/employees/employee” to generate nodes <employees> <employee></employee></employees> in xml. If we have 10 columns in the sheet and 1000 rows then we have to set the same formatting 10000 times (1000 * 10), this would create a lot of problem to my end users. I am sure there must be some automated process where we can format the cells programmatically. Can you please suggest an option to reduce the manual formatting of each cell in the XL Sheet?

Export :

When we trying to export data using "oxf:xls-serializer" processor, file exported but we are not able to see the sheet1. Exported excel file starts with sheet 2. Either the  sheet1 is hidden or deleted by the processor.

Can you please help us in resolving this issue. Please advise if at all using orbeon to upload, download XLS  is a good decision to implement in the production system.