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Hi all,

I'm considering using Orbeon on a web application that I'm developing. However, there are some technical specifications that I think are not completely suported by Orbeon. That is why I'm posting to this group to see if there is a solution to my problem.

In terms of functionality, Orbeon has it all. Besides that it has a very good look&feel. Your team did a great job on these subjects!

However (there is always a "but"), I have very special technical requirements:

  • First of all I have a multi-tenant environment. This means that my application will have several databases. Each group of users will have its own database. All the databases will have the same tables, but the data in those tables will be owned by the users that have access to that database. When the user performs login, he "receives" the DataSource (database access) that he has access to, and starts using the application. This is a customer requirement so it is not possible to change it. Do you support this kind of data organization/access? Is it easy to configure orbeon to work like that?
  • Second, I use PostgreSQL. I know that Orbeon does not support it out of the box. Can you give me an ideia of what do I have to develop so that I can use PostgreSQL?
  • How can I turn on authentication on Orbeon and is there a REST service (without a login interface) to authenticate a user?

Thank you all and congratulations to the Orbeon team for your amazing tool.

Best regards,
Luís Ribeiro

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Re: Multitenancy

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Luís,

Thank you for the positive comments.

- On multi-tenancy, yes, you can group users and have different groups use different databases. This is a pretty large topic, so I won't even attempt to start explaining how it works ;) and would recommend you first go through the page linked below, and then let us know if you feel anything isn't covered.

- Indeed, PostgreSQL isn't supported out of the box. We have customers who implemented our persistence REST API and use Orbeon Forms with PostgreSQL (however they kept that implementation private). Since 4.4 (to be released soon), making it work with PostgreSQL will be simpler since we unified our implementation of the persistence API for relational databases, and the differences between Oracle, MySQL, and DB2 are rather minor, and so, supporting PostgreSQL now should be much easier.

- Authentication for users is setup at the app server level (you can use a login page, single sign-on, etc). I.e. Orbeon Forms doesn't manage users. Authentication for calling Orbeon Forms services is a different thing, and goes through an authentication service, but I don't think this is what you were asking about. Anyhow, this is the relevant page discussing authentication for calls to services implemented in Orbeon Forms.

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