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Max number of characters in textarea

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Max number of characters in textarea

This post was updated on Aug 07, 2013; 8:35am.

I was using Orbeon Forms 4.0.0.rc1.201302120214 PE with development licence and I am trying to limit the number of charachters allowed into a textarea.

Is there a way to do so in orbeon/xforms?

I tried to put the attribute maxlength in the <xf:textarea> tag in the source code but nothing changed.

thank you in advance
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Re: Max number of characters in textarea


Assuming you want to constrain the data contained within the field, rather than the display of the field, I would recommend having a look at a regular expression constraint on the data.

In Form Builder include a constraint in the validation properties of the control to be something like:

"matches(., '^.{1,20}$')"

(or include it in the underlying data bind).

This will allow the value to be between 1 and 20 characters, as defined by the . (period) character.
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Re: Max number of characters in textarea

I have solved inserting in the field Constraints of the textarea the following code:


where 50 is the upperbound.

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Re: Max number of characters in textarea

And if I would like to limit the number displayed in the text area?

not only setting a constraint but preventing the user to enter more charachters than allowed?

thank you
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Re: Max number of characters in textarea

Erik Bruchez
You can add an `xxf:maxlength` attribute on `xf:textarea`. This translates to the HTML `maxlength` attribute. But not all browsers support it, see:


For older browsers, the alternative is to use some dirty JavaScript to prevent input.
