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Localization + maintenance procedure?

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Localization + maintenance procedure?

31 posts

Latecomer as usual... I was about to contribute a Swedish localization to Form Runner when I realized that localization resources (from 4.4) are scattered in about 50 files. In all of those files every language is intermixed with all other languages.

I was a bit baffled (I'll get over it:). What is the recommended procedure to submit and maintain a localization?

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Re: Localization + maintenance procedure?

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
Hi Hakan,

For forms you build with Form Builder, there are 2 main files:

- fr/i18n/resources.xml: those are the resources you need to translate so everything is localized for end-users, who will be accessing forms created with Form Builder.
- builder/form/resources.xml: those are the resources you need to translate if you want Form Builder itself to be localized.


Some XBL components also have private resources, but other than that there shouldn't be anything else to localize. Did you see any other major category of files you needed to localize?

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Re: Localization + maintenance procedure?

31 posts
I have come to terms with the two main files (resources.xml and CalendarResources.js). I'm less comfortable with the XBL files. As far as I can see there are 48 directories for XBL components. 21 of them have resources to be translated.

So, do I just go ahead and translate those files and submit them back to you in a tarball, and you do the merge?

Do you notify localizers ahead of releases?

If my questions seem stupid it's because I'm used to Java ResourceBundles where each language pretty much stands on its own feet (and for a quick fix they may be added at deploy time).

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Re: Localization + maintenance procedure?

Erik Bruchez
6632 posts

The ideal way is a git pull request against master, but if you provide patches in another way it's ok too.

So far we haven't notified localizers, but we certainly should! We will do so if you provide us with your preferred way of contacting you (e.g. by email or Twitter).

We realize that the way things are localized right now might be ideal… Certainly the fact that XBL components have their own localization makes things a bit more complicated than they should be.
