I have started an editor in OF for the
http://www.liquibase.org/ database refactoring tool.
Originally, this was an exercise in XForms, to demonstrate that I could write an entire application in one file. (That design has some issues, but it is a start.)
I'm at the prototype phase and there's a lot to do to finish it. But I don't have any interest at my company for completing it, so I'm putting out some feelers. If there's any interest, I'll put it up on github. So, for example, the LoadData change:
<xf:group ref=".[$nameOf = 'loadData']">
<xf:case id="min-loadData" selected="true">
<xh:span class="pl">
<xf:toggle ev:event="DOMActivate" case="full-loadData"/>
<xh:span class="pl">
<xf:input ref="@id"/>
<xh:span class="pl">
<xf:output value="concat('Load Data - To table ',$this/@tableName)"/>
<xh:span style="float: right">
<xf:action ev:event="DOMActivate">
<xf:delete context="instance('dbChangeLog')" nodeset="lb:changeSet"
<xf:case id="full-loadData" selected="false">
<xh:span class="pl">
<xf:toggle ev:event="DOMActivate" case="min-loadData"/>
Will render a simple editor for that block of xml:

Hank Ratzesberger
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