I'm trying to implement the Form Runner Proxy Portlet to my Liferay portal but I have a problem.
In Orbeon, I have an application named "CUS07" and two forms named "CUS07" and "Test" (and Orbeon default app and forms).
I set the init parameters in "portlet.xml" to display "CUS07/CUS07" form by default.
It's working well. But when I go to the "Preferences" page in the portlet configuration and I set "Form Runner app name" to "CUS07" and "Form Runner form name" to "CUS07" and click on "Save" button, nothing change. The form displayed is still "Test" and when I go back to "Preferences" page, the fields are still filled with init parameters set in "portlet.xml".
I tried with different datas in portlet.xml and "Preferences" page (with default Orbeon forms and app), but it does not change anything, I can not override init parameters with portlet preferences.
Nothing is logged in catalina.out.
Is it a known issue or what can I try to find the reason of this problem ?
Thank you :)
Environment :
- CentOS
- Tomcat 7
- Liferay 6.2 CE
- Orbeon 4.4.0
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