Java integrated app minimal deployment

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Java integrated app minimal deployment

Currently using separate deployment to use xform engine from a java app.  Would like to move towards using the integrated deployment first of all so I only need to deploy and manage one app.  Secondarily I would like to use the minimum number jars to be able to process standard xforms from my app.  Is it possible to reduce the number of jars to only process xforms when features such as the form builder are not needed?
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Re: Java integrated app minimal deployment

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Jeff,

It is certainly possible to reduce the number of jars needed, but it doesn't sound like a fun task to me:

- It could be a lengthy trial and error process, and in the end you might only save a few MB.
- If you need to add your own jars, you might have to deal with possible conflicts between different versions of the same library needed by your code and Orbeon Forms.

This is why we recommend separate deployment over integrated development. And this question become increasingly less relevant as more people create forms in Form Builder, rather than having Java code producing the XForms.

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Re: Java integrated app minimal deployment

Heinrich Götzger

a possible reason to use maven to build the jars and the orbeon.war, so
it's easily reproduceable which files the artifacts depend on.

But that's just a thought as we use the integrated way as well to have
only one file to deliver (and to care of). Our forms are either build in
or add ons in separate jars, but all handmade.



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Re: Java integrated app minimal deployment

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Heinrich,

Another possibility, if your app server supports it, is to have an ear that contains the two wars, so you still just have one file. And if you app server doesn't support it (i.e. if you need to use Tomcat), it seems like a *lot* of hassle to go through to try to have one file to deploy instead of two.

Beyond the practical work this requires, I think going for an architectures where you have less dependencies between components is generally better, and trying to mix your app with Orbeon Forms in the same war, and ensuring that they both use the same version of every library, and doing this every time you upgrade, goes in the opposite direction.

Follow Orbeon on Twitter: @orbeon
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