Trying to embed a form in a JSP page as per the example given in the Java embedding API documentation and the resulting form which is displayed has some elements which aren't there when the form is displayed normally. This happens even after we've excluded all of our custom CSS. Attached are screenshots comparing the form when it's displayed normally and when it's displayed through the embedding API

The API call inside the JSP:
request, // HttpServletRequest: incoming HttpServletRequest
out, // Writer: where the embedded form is written
"CPF", // String: Form Runner form name
"123", // String: Form Runner app name
"view", // String: Form Runner action name (at least new, edit and view are valid)
"a9d0e90435cd47be20dc942624a5103d144ee3ca", // String: Form Runner document id (optional)
"draft=true", // String: query string (optional)
requestHeaders // Map<String, String>: custom HTTP headers (optional)
Any help is appreciated.