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Issue with styling individual field - be gentle, I'm new!

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Issue with styling individual field - be gentle, I'm new!

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Hi all,

I'm trying to shorten one field - that's the box, not the number of characters. I've put:

        <xh:style type="text/css">
               .short-field {width:25px;}

and then:

<xf:input class="short-field" id="control-4-control" bind="control-4-bind">
                                    <xf:label ref="$form-resources/control-4/label"/>
                                    <xf:hint ref="$form-resources/control-4/hint"/>
                                    <xf:alert ref="$fr-resources/detail/labels/alert"/>

when I inspect the field from the front-end, I can see the css class, but it's not doing anything to the field/box.

Can anyone help?


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Re: Issue with styling individual field - be gentle, I'm new!

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
For those finding this thread through a search, since this question was cross-posted on Stack Overflow, and a follow-up has already been posted there, please refer to that discussion, and if you'd like please comment as well as on Stack Overflow:


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