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Is it possible to use jsp into the xforms portlet in ops 3.5

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Is it possible to use jsp into the xforms portlet in ops 3.5

2 posts
      I am new user to ops. I want to deploy a jsp portlet which contains xforms run on ops deployed in liferay 4.2.1. My question is it possible? or does xforms portlet in ops support only .xhtml format. please explain me briefly?
Can anyone help me please. Its very very urgent.
             Bye Bye

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Re: Is it possible to use jsp into the xforms portlet in ops 3.5

Alexander Žaťko
317 posts
I heard OF can be deployed in liferay. Several list members have done  
it. Did you check:


You might also want to search list archives for liferay-specific  


On Mar 8, 2007, at 12:32 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

> Hai,
>       I am new user to ops. I want to deploy a jsp portlet which  
> contains xforms run on ops deployed in liferay 4.2.1. My question  
> is it possible? or does xforms portlet in ops support only .xhtml  
> format. please explain me briefly?
> Can anyone help me please. Its very very urgent.
>              Bye Bye
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