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How to retrive value of xforms:select in orbeon forms on client side (in JavaScript)

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How to retrive value of xforms:select in orbeon forms on client side (in JavaScript)

I have next problem, when I'm trying to retrieve value from xforms:select elements I retrieve some encrypted value like "eKdObOh+XakQQkcJayfQArlH+Y5M4huLkvqoSAsN7P8=" while I know the real value, which I'm set in the form constructor is "ALFRESCO_ADMINISTRATORS".

I found this function ORBEON.xforms.Document.getValue(controlIdOrElement) but it returns the same encrypted value.

Is there any way to retrieve real value from xforms:select elements, or may be some configs which I have to enable/disable, or may be there some common algorithm which transforms real value to encrypted one?
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Re: How to retrive value of xforms:select in orbeon forms on client side (in JavaScript)

Erik Bruchez

I have just replied on StackOverflow:


Please mark the answer as correct if it helps.


On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 2:25 AM, alexey.lugovoy
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> I have next problem, when I'm trying to retrieve value from xforms:select
> elements I retrieve some encrypted value like
> "eKdObOh+XakQQkcJayfQArlH+Y5M4huLkvqoSAsN7P8=" while I know the real value,
> which I'm set in the form constructor is "ALFRESCO_ADMINISTRATORS".
> I found this function ORBEON.xforms.Document.getValue(controlIdOrElement)
> but it returns the same encrypted value.
> Is there any way to retrieve real value from xforms:select elements, or may
> be some configs which I have to enable/disable, or may be there some common
> algorithm which transforms real value to encrypted one?
> --
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Re: How to retrive value of xforms:select in orbeon forms on client side (in JavaScript)

That works, thanks a lot!