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Hide Particular fielda in a table

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Hide Particular fielda in a table

Sathish K Mittapelli

Hi all,

I am trying to hide some rows in a table in UI....i have written my code like this....

<xforms:repeat nodeset="instance('selected-instance')//question" id="repeat1" if="!(instance('selected-instance')/question/status='delete')">
        <xforms:select ref="xxforms:repeat-current('repeat1')/selected" appearance="full">
        <xforms:output ref="quest">
        <xforms:output ref="questkey">
        <xforms:output ref="anstype">


I have written a trigger which is like this

        <!-- xforms:delete ev:event="DOMActivate"  nodeset="instance('selected-instance')//question" at="index('repeat1')"/ -->
        <xforms:action ev:event="DOMActivate" xxforms:iterate="instance('selected-instance')/question[selected='true']">
                <xforms:setvalue ref="instance('selected-instance')/question[selected='true']/status" value="delete"/>

When i am trying to setvalue it is not setting value 'delete '
for status.

Please help me how to achieve this....

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Re: Hide Particular fielda in a table

Alessandro Vernet
On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 3:51 AM, sathish kumar <[hidden email]> wrote:
> <xforms:repeat nodeset="instance('selected-instance')//question"
> id="repeat1" if="!(instance('selected-instance')/question/status='delete')">

You can't use the "if" attribute on xforms:repeat. The "if" attribute
only applies to actions. Instead you would have to use a predicate:

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