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Help, delete or not delete ?

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Help, delete or not delete ?


I use Orbeon with MySQL. I'm writing a persistence API implementation. I have observed when i delete a form from builder, the form is already send by : 


... and data are still present in mysql database. 

What's wrong ?


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Re: Help, delete or not delete ?

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Re: Help, delete or not delete ?

thanks, you right. But i don't understand why the /orbeon/fr/service/persistence/form/app-name webservice returns deleted forms. 

How to get list of forms without deleted?


Le jeudi 7 avril 2016 17:56:34 UTC+2, bruno.buzzi a écrit :

The delete is a logical delete i think. Check for "deleted" column
There is no physical delete for audit purpose.

When a form is published is saved in orbeon_form_definition and is never


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Re: Help, delete or not delete ?

Nobody know how to get list of published forms (without deleted) ?


Le vendredi 8 avril 2016 11:15:48 UTC+2, Katsu Don a écrit :
thanks, you right. But i don't understand why the /orbeon/fr/service/persistence/form/app-name webservice returns deleted forms. 

How to get list of forms without deleted?


Le jeudi 7 avril 2016 17:56:34 UTC+2, bruno.buzzi a écrit :

The delete is a logical delete i think. Check for "deleted" column
There is no physical delete for audit purpose.

When a form is published is saved in orbeon_form_definition and is never


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Re: Help, delete or not delete ?

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Vivien,

Two things about this:

1. In your database, Orbeon Forms has the data for forms you're editing with Form Builder *and* published forms. Publishing in Form Builder creates a published form (obviously), but deleting from Form Builder doesn't delete the published form. For that, you need to go to the Form Runner home page as an admin, and use the unpublish functionality. For more on this, see:


2. Both for forms you're editing in Form Builder, and published forms, deleting anything doesn't delete rows in the database, but the API doesn't return deleted data.

Does this make more sense?

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Re: Help, delete or not delete ?

Thanks Alex.

Yes it make more sense. But i have trouble. I modified form-builder-permissions.xml and add : <role name="*" app="*" form="*"/> 
Now all users can publish and unpublish. But when i unpublish a form, it still appears in the response of : 


i'm sorry but i don't understand why. What's wrong ?

Note : I need to finish quickly my poc before buy licences.

Le lundi 11 avril 2016 18:24:31 UTC+2, Alessandro Vernet a écrit :
Hi Vivien,

Two things about this:

1. In your database, Orbeon Forms has the data for forms you're editing with
Form Builder *and* published forms. Publishing in Form Builder creates a
published form (obviously), but deleting from Form Builder doesn't delete
the published form. For that, you need to go to the Form Runner home page as
an admin, and use the unpublish functionality. For more on this, see:

<a href="http://doc.orbeon.com/form-runner/feature/home-page.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;http://www.google.com/url?q\75http%3A%2F%2Fdoc.orbeon.com%2Fform-runner%2Ffeature%2Fhome-page.html\46sa\75D\46sntz\0751\46usg\75AFQjCNFgLsTnoeFmevfSYfLk6_lHx0XRCQ&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;http://www.google.com/url?q\75http%3A%2F%2Fdoc.orbeon.com%2Fform-runner%2Ffeature%2Fhome-page.html\46sa\75D\46sntz\0751\46usg\75AFQjCNFgLsTnoeFmevfSYfLk6_lHx0XRCQ&#39;;return true;">http://doc.orbeon.com/form-runner/feature/home-page.html

2. Both for forms you're editing in Form Builder, and published forms,
deleting anything doesn't delete rows in the database, but the API doesn't
return deleted data.

Does this make more sense?


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Re: Help, delete or not delete ?

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Re: Help, delete or not delete ?

Thanks Bruno!

During to prepare my answer to you ... i saw : 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <form operations="admin *">
        <title xml:lang="en">Title</title>
        <description xml:lang="en"/>


Le mardi 12 avril 2016 16:24:42 UTC+2, bruno.buzzi a écrit :

Can you put a step by step of what you are doing ?

For example:
1- Goto .../orbeon/fr (expected result: show all forms definitions to
publish or unpublish)
2- Unpublish a Form (expected result: change the state of the form)
3- Goto .../orbeon/fr/orbeon/builder/summary (expected result: show all save

Because i do not have the whole picture of your problem...


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Re: Help, delete or not delete ?

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Vivien,

Yes, it's a bit tricky isn't it? Unpublishing from the Form Runner Home Page, isn't the same as deleting. When a form is "unpublished", it becomes "unavailable". So it's still returned by the search API, as, obviously, the Form Runner Home Page still wants to show "unavailable" forms, so admins can re-publish them to make them available again.

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Re: Help, delete or not delete ?

When we know it. It is logic. :) 

Thanks Alex for your help. 

Le mardi 12 avril 2016 18:35:13 UTC+2, Alessandro Vernet a écrit :
Hi Vivien,

Yes, it's a bit tricky isn't it? Unpublishing from the Form Runner Home
Page, isn't the same as deleting. When a form is "unpublished", it becomes
"unavailable". So it's still returned by the search API, as, obviously, the
Form Runner Home Page still wants to show "unavailable" forms, so admins can
re-publish them to make them available again.


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