I set http service action for field inside repeat on value change. When I
receive response I set control choices for another field inside the same
1. I wonder if there is any way to have current context or repeat index
inside /Choices XPath expression/ field, the field inside which I select
nodes to build dictionary.
<xf:action class="fr-itemset-action">
<xf:var name="control-name" value="'control-teryt-select1-msc'"/>
<xf:var name="response-items"
value="/Response/Items[Field2 =
<xf:var name="item-label" value="./*:Field1"/>
<xf:var name="item-value" value="concat(./*:Field2, '|', ./*:Field1)"/>
This code above may work for xf:repeat element but I have grid with attr
2. Is there any place where I can filter items from this dictionary like
with normal itemset I do.
I mean something like:
"instance('fr-form-instance')//metadata//itemset[id =
context()/@itemsetid]/item[substring-before(value,'|') =
Thanks for any help.
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