i've got a problem concerning the HTMLArea Control (fckeditor, last nightly build because i need correct processing of the enter key -> new paragraph). I use that control to render HTML that's embedded in my XML Files. Before passing my XML instance to my xform, the html content gets serialized to text content so that it can be passed to the HTML Area; after submitting the xform, its (maybe updated) content gets parsed again. Serialization seems to work fine, the problem appears on parsing the output of the HTML Area. The parsing is done using a XSTL Transformation wih the attached xsl file. My fckconfig.js contains: FCKConfig.ProcessHTMLEntities = false ; FCKConfig.ProcessLatinEntities = false ; FCKConfig.ProcessGreekEntities = false ; FCKConfig.IncludeLatinEntities = true ; FCKConfig.IncludeGreekEntities = true ; FCKConfig.ProcessNumericEntities = false ; The instance data may look like: (...) <textdaten> <titelzeile> <body>[HTML content]</body> </titelzeile> <osatz> <body>[HTML content]</body> </osatz> </textdaten> (...) The titelzeile/body and osatz/body elements contain the serialized HTML content as text. I get several Exceptions depending on the text content. If the body tag looks like <body><p>foo</p><p>bar</p></body> (parsed: <body><p>foo</p><p>bar</p></body> i get a SAXPArserException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed. at orbeon.apache.xerces.util.ErrorHandlerWrapper.createSAXParseException(ErrorHandlerWrapper.java:236) at orbeon.apache.xerces.util.ErrorHandlerWrapper.fatalError(ErrorHandlerWrapper.java:215) at orbeon.apache.xerces.impl.XMLErrorReporter.reportError(XMLErrorReporter.java:384) at orbeon.apache.xerces.impl.XMLErrorReporter.reportError(XMLErrorReporter.java:314) at orbeon.apache.xerces.impl.XMLScanner.reportFatalError(XMLScanner.java:1436) at orbeon.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentScannerImpl$TrailingMiscDispatcher.dispatch(XMLDocumentScannerImpl.java:1164) at orbeon.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.java:338) at orbeon.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(XML11Configuration.java:828) at orbeon.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(XML11Configuration.java:758) at orbeon.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(XMLParser.java:148) at orbeon.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(AbstractSAXParser.java:1178) at org.orbeon.saxon.event.Sender.sendSAXSource(Sender.java:269) (...) Some log messages later, a ResourceNotFoundException appears: org.orbeon.oxf.resources.ResourceNotFoundException: Cannot load "/oxf/xslt/utils/utils.xsl" with webapp loader at org.orbeon.oxf.resources.WebAppResourceManagerImpl.getContentAsStream(WebAppResourceManagerImpl.java:74) at org.orbeon.oxf.resources.ResourceManagerBase.getContentAsSAX(ResourceManagerBase.java:133) at org.orbeon.oxf.resources.PriorityResourceManagerImpl$4.run(PriorityResourceManagerImpl.java:122) (...) If the body tag looks like <body><p>foo</p></body> (parsed: <body><p>foo</p></body>), everything works fine. I don't understand why PresentationServer behaves differently in those cases - i need to process HTML content with more than one paragraph element. Can anybody help? Thanks a lot florian <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:saxon="http://saxon.sf.net/" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"> <xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:apply-templates /> </xsl:template> <!-- parse the content of the html node to xml --> <xsl:template match="titelzeile/body/text()|osatz/body/text()"> <xsl:copy-of select="saxon:parse(.)" /> </xsl:template> <!-- For all other nodes: copy them and iterate over children --> <xsl:template match="*|@*|comment()|processing-instruction()|text()"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates select="*|@*|comment()|processing-instruction()|text()" /> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> -- You receive this message as a subscriber of the [hidden email] mailing list. To unsubscribe: mailto:[hidden email] For general help: mailto:[hidden email]?subject=help ObjectWeb mailing lists service home page: http://www.objectweb.org/wws |
On 1/30/07, Florian Schmitt <[hidden email]> wrote:
> If the body tag looks like > <body><p>foo</p><p>bar</p></body> > (parsed: <body><p>foo</p><p>bar</p></body> > i get a SAXPArserException: > > org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The markup in the document following the > root element must be well-formed. Florian, You get this error because you have more than one root element (there are 2 <p> at the root of the document you are trying to parse). If you need to be able to parse this type of expression, try something like: saxon:parse(concat('<gaga>', ., '</gaga>'))/gaga/node() Alex -- Orbeon Forms - Web Forms for the Enterprise, Done the Right Way http://www.orbeon.com/ -- You receive this message as a subscriber of the [hidden email] mailing list. To unsubscribe: mailto:[hidden email] For general help: mailto:[hidden email]?subject=help ObjectWeb mailing lists service home page: http://www.objectweb.org/wws |
Hi Alex,
>> org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The markup in the document following the >> root element must be well-formed. > > Florian, > > You get this error because you have more than one root element (there > are 2 <p> at the root of the document you are trying to parse). If you > need to be able to parse this type of expression, try something like: > > saxon:parse(concat('<gaga>', ., '</gaga>'))/gaga/node() well-formed document. Now everything works :-) florian -- You receive this message as a subscriber of the [hidden email] mailing list. To unsubscribe: mailto:[hidden email] For general help: mailto:[hidden email]?subject=help ObjectWeb mailing lists service home page: http://www.objectweb.org/wws |
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