I have a fresh install of Orbeon 2018 .1 and on Tomcat9 locally on my laptop
for testing purposes.
I have Orbeon running succesfully. I created a new Builder Form and added
the 'Image annotation' control to the form, then I add an attachment
(picture) to the control and it won't show up on the form builder. When i
click on save i get the error:
"There was an error communicating with the database. Please contact the
application administrator."
I have not made any changes to any config file or adjusted any settings,
it's all default. I noticed that no where in my system there is a file named
'orbeon.log' so I can't share any debug information.
I used this guide to install Tomcat9:
https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-tomcat-9-on-ubuntu-18-04/And I download Orbeon from the website, and extract the orbeon.war file to
the /webapps directory.
Can anyone help me figure out why I cannot add attachments to my builder
Or can tell me how to get Orbeon to create a log file where I can get more
debugging info.
Kind regards.
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