Form Image being sent as attachment

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Form Image being sent as attachment

I have a form that is being sent to a third party application.  The form is a static image in the form. This image is a png and it is a company logo. 

Untitled picture.png

We have modified the send button to a custom is-send.xpl.
When the application receives it, it received the pdf that was created but also a second attachment. This second attachment is the image that is on the form (M).
This is the process for the button:

Untitled picture2.png

Any ideas?



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Re: Form Image being sent as attachment

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Oscar,

Indeed, if you create a static image in Form Builder, that "Static Image"
control is a control like any other control: in the data, there will be an
element for that control, and and the data associated to the field is store
in that element (here, the link to the image). Are you saying that you
wouldn't like to have that element and related link in the data?


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Re: Form Image being sent as attachment


The PDF created has the image as it is in the first picture and this is the desired behavior. However, it also creates a second attachment that includes solely the image. Therefore the third party application receives the desired PDF with the same layout of the form, but a separate attachment with the solely the image.



On Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at 10:34:30 AM UTC-8, Alessandro Vernet wrote:
Hi Oscar,

Indeed, if you create a static image in Form Builder, that "Static Image"
control is a control like any other control: in the data, there will be an
element for that control, and and the data associated to the field is store
in that element (here, the link to the image). Are you saying that you
wouldn't like to have that element and related link in the data?


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Re: Form Image being sent as attachment

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Oscar,

So you're saying that the problem is with the email sent by Orbeon Forms,
that contains as attachments both the PDF (with the image), and the image
(as a second attachment), and you're saying that you'd only like to have the
PDF. Is this correct?


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Re: Form Image being sent as attachment

That is correct Alex. Since the image is only supposed to be a visual on the form, we would not like the image to be sent as an attachment. 



On Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at 1:40:25 PM UTC-8, Alessandro Vernet wrote:
Hi Oscar,

So you're saying that the problem is with the email sent by Orbeon Forms,
that contains as attachments both the PDF (with the image), and the image
(as a second attachment), and you're saying that you'd only like to have the
PDF. Is this correct?


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Re: Form Image being sent as attachment

Alessandro  Vernet
Got it Oscar, thank you for the precisions. We'll think about what we can do
about this, and will follow-up on this thread.


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Re: Form Image being sent as attachment

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Re: Form Image being sent as attachment

Alessandro  Vernet
In reply to this post by Alessandro Vernet
Hi Oscar,

Getting back to this one, if I create a form with a static image, I am not
seeing that image attached to the email sent out by Orbeon Forms. The email
(see below) has 2 attachments: the XML and the PDF, and the image correctly
shows in the PDF, but isn't attached as a 3rd file. Are you seeing something
different? Are you using Orbeon Forms 2019.2?

email.png <>  


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Re: Form Image being sent as attachment


I am getting back to this thread. 

I apologize, the information previously provided was mistaken. The attachments are not being sent by email. They are being sent by a custom is-send.xpl the lofic for the send is as follows:

<property as="xs:string" debug="xxx form submit" name="*.*">
        then validate-all
        then save
        then send(uri = "/fr/service/custom/orbeon/echo", content = "pdf-url", replace = "none")
        then send(uri = "/fr/service/custom/rpic/is-send" , method = "post", replace = "none", nonrelevant = "keep")
        then success-message("save-success")
        then result-dialog
        recover error-message("database-error")

As of right now, we have removed the images from the form I am attempting to setup a local environment to test this. However, it is still my understanding that the images were still being sent as a second attachment to the third party application

On Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 10:47:24 AM UTC-7, Alessandro Vernet wrote:
Hi Oscar,

Getting back to this one, if I create a form with a static image, I am not
seeing that image attached to the email sent out by Orbeon Forms. The email
(see below) has 2 attachments: the XML and the PDF, and the image correctly
shows in the PDF, but isn't attached as a 3rd file. Are you seeing something
different? Are you using Orbeon Forms 2019.2?

email.png <<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;\\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNG7sv_AwosXz-66-MC3MX-8BKZWgg&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;\\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNG7sv_AwosXz-66-MC3MX-8BKZWgg&#39;;return true;">>  


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Re: Form Image being sent as attachment

In reply to this post by bruno.buzzi

I think the post you referenced was the logo at top right? I have a logon on the form. The rest of the form's logos are set to the value that we are expecting.

On Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 10:43:44 AM UTC-8, bruno.buzzi wrote:

If the image is always the same image you can put it as form banner (not as
an attached image on the form) and if it is a banner (set in the css) it
would not be sent by mail.

Just an idea...


PS: how to set a banner in a form:
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;\\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNEY6pBjqer37AmoaR5cioBodI3J-Q&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;\\x26sa\x3dD\x26sntz\x3d1\x26usg\x3dAFQjCNEY6pBjqer37AmoaR5cioBodI3J-Q&#39;;return true;">

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Re: Form Image being sent as attachment

Alessandro  Vernet
In reply to this post by Oscar
Hi Oscar,

Got it, then I imagine that this is something that you will need to debug in
your `is-send.xpl`.


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