Flow validation when filling a form

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Flow validation when filling a form

I have a question to the flow, and validation when filling a form.

We have to match the layout of Form Runner to a design manual.

Regarding a new design manual, we have some problems, to meet the requirements, and I want to ask if the following will be on the road map for a new release, or if there is a solution to make this, perhaps as a custom logic? Custom Logic

1. Let's say we have a form with 5 section.

2. When filling the form, we start at section 1.

3. We fill out section 1, press next button, and the section 2 will be shown. (Section 1 is now validated, and if there is an error, we will be noticed)

4. We are now at section 2, but let's say we press on section 4 now, (we skip section 3 for now). Then section 3 is not validated yet!

Our design manual require all steps to be validated, from step 1 - x, where x is the step which we are at now, even if they are not visited yet.

Is there a way to make this happening?

Another question, when a section is validated as valid or invalid, we have to mark this with a text and icon on the section name.

Like the example bellow.

As I see the logic now, it only mark a section to a new "status" if it is not valid, with .invalid to the span in html. And there is no "status" for a section that has been filled correct, like .valid, or something.


Best Regards
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Re: Flow validation when filling a form

Erik Bruchez

It's not easily possible right now. Of course it would make perfect sense and we captured some of this in this RFE:


But right now there is no good solution I fear.

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Re: Flow validation when filling a form

Okay, I hope this will be a feature in a release in the future.

It will give a great overview for a user who fill a form, to see what is missing, and what is done.

// Daniel