I'm trying to access the event('response-status-code') and event('response-body') data from the xforms-submit-error, and xforms-submit-done events.
This would allow me to be able to add contextual information via javascript to the user. For example, on error, our persistence layer will return a javascript object describing the nature of the failure, for example conflicting Id, schema validation failure, etc...
but I just end up with `undefined` values from my calls to ORBEON.xforms.Document.getValue(formOutputId)
I have tried numerous variations of this:
<!-- An instance to hold the response error data -->
<xforms:instance id="submit-error">
<!-- React to failed submission -->
<xf:action ev:event="xforms-submit-error"
ev:target="fr-create-update-submission fr-create-update-attachment-submission fr-get-document-submission fr-pdf-service-submission fr-email-service-submission">
<!-- Add the response data to the submit-error instance -->
<xf:var name="responseBody" select="event('response-body')"/>
<xf:var name="responseCode" select="event('response-status-code')"/>
<xf:setvalue ref="instance('submit-error')/response" value="$responseBody"/>
<xf:setvalue ref="instance('submit-error')/responseCode" value="$responseCode"/>
<!-- Do something with response error -->
var statusCode = ORBEON.xforms.Document.getValue("error-status-code"),
responseBody = ORBEON.xforms.Document.getValue("error-response-body");
alert('status:' + statusCode + "\nresponse:" + responseBody);
<xhtml:span class="hidden">
<xforms:output ref="instance('submit-error')/response" id="error-response-body"/>
<xhtml:span class="hidden">
<xforms:output ref="instance('submit-error')/responseCode" id="error-status-code"/>
Do I need to do something differently in Orbeon 4.x? Or can you see something I'm doing wrong?
Thank you for your help,
Simon Flack
Web Developer @ the BBC
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