No sure how to do it if you want to give the control back to Orbeon again after the Web service response. Ok, we wanted to parse some info in the web service and then forward that to our success page a little bit like mentioned here :"- Prefill the information based on information in a profile associated with the user (user has already logged in in another system). Can we access information in the http headers and use the info to call web services that will give info about the user so that we can prefill certain fields ? " Why should we never do this ? We have a form to configure a list of devices associated with a user. We want the form to show only the devices of the user in a dropdown as an example. We also have an address field, we would like to call a web service that will give the address of the user and prefill the field with this information.
"- Prefill information based on forms that was submitted or saved before ? " Our users will need to fill forms with information very similar to previous form entered, we wanted to reuse previously entered form as a template.