Dynamically change logo on form

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Dynamically change logo on form

Hi Alex - I have an API which returns logo/images based on the request parameter. How do I place this logo on the form?

For ex ; If you pass a code 5012 - > it returns a cat image
                                   code 5013 - > it returns a dog image and so on....

how do I place an image on the form returned by this rest api?


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Re: Dynamically change logo on form

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Manish,

Quick question: does the API return the actual image, or an URL to the image
(e.g. in the body of a JSON or XML response)?


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Re: Dynamically change logo on form

Alessandro  Vernet
Also, where does the code come from (request parameter, field value,
somewhere else…)?


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Re: Dynamically change logo on form

Code come from a request parameter and an actual image is returned

On Tue, 26 Nov. 2019, 01:39 Alessandro Vernet, <[hidden email]> wrote:
Also, where does the code come from (request parameter, field value,
somewhere else…)?


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Re: Dynamically change logo on form

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Manish,

Got it, so try the following:

1. Insert a Calculated Value control where you want the image to show. Have
it calculated as something like `concat(' <https://server/image-',
encode-for-uri(xxf:get-request-parameter('code')), '.png> ')`. Note the use
of `encode-for-uri()` to avoid XSS.
2. Check that when you run the form, the markup for the image shows
3. Edit the source of the form to add on the `<xf:output>` that corresponds
to your control an attribute `mediatype="text/html"`.

You'll let me know if this works for you.


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Re: Dynamically change logo on form

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Manish, did you get a change to try adding a `mediatype="text/html"` on
`<xf:output>`? Is so, did it work for you?


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