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Dynamic dropdown not load data

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Dynamic dropdown not load data

Could you please help me why a dynamic dropdown doesn't load data from my web service

- Here is web service:

        @RequestMapping(value="/country", method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public @ResponseBody  String country() {
           return "<countries><country abbreviation=\"CA\" name=\"Canada\"/></countries>";        
           } catch (Exception ex) {
                        throw ServiceException.wrap(ex);

- Here is web service result by RESTClient:

<countries><country abbreviation="CA" name="Canada"/></countries>

- Here is dropdown properties:
Please note dropdown successfully calls the web service however it doesn't show the data

Resource URL:  http://localhost:9090/smartform/admin/public/RefWService/country
Items : /countries/country
name: @name
value: @abbreviation

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Re: Dynamic dropdown not load data

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Pouyan,

Everything looks good, from what I can see, so it is hard to say. Do
you get any error in the orbeon.log?


On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 8:43 PM, pouyan <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Could you please help me why a dynamic dropdown doesn't load data from my web
> service
> - Here is web service:
>         @RequestMapping(value="/country", method = RequestMethod.GET)
>         public @ResponseBody  String country() {
>         try{
>            return "<countries><country abbreviation=\"CA\"
> name=\"Canada\"/></countries>";
>            } catch (Exception ex) {
>                         throw ServiceException.wrap(ex);
>                 }
>         }
> - Here is web service result by RESTClient:
> <countries><country abbreviation="CA" name="Canada"/></countries>
> - Here is dropdown properties:
> Please note dropdown successfully calls the web service however it doesn't
> show the data
> Resource URL:
> http://localhost:9090/smartform/admin/public/RefWService/country
> Items : /countries/country
> name: @name
> value: @abbreviation
> <http://discuss.orbeon.com/file/n4659708/Screen_Shot_2015-03-25_at_11.png>
> --
> View this message in context: http://discuss.orbeon.com/Dynamic-dropdown-not-load-data-tp4659708.html
> Sent from the Orbeon Forms community mailing list mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> --
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Re: Dynamic dropdown not load data

Thank you Alex,

I got an error on log file
2015-03-28 17:07:20,996 ERROR XFormsServer  -     |Body received with non-XML media type for replace="instance": text/plain                                              |

then I have added content type=application/xml to my web service  and it fixed the problem

        @RequestMapping(produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE,
                                value="/country", method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public @ResponseBody  String country() {
            return "<countries><country abbreviation=\"CA\" name=\"Canada\"/></countries>";        
           } catch (Exception ex) {
                        throw ServiceException.wrap(ex);
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Re: Dynamic dropdown not load data

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Pouyan,

Excellent, I'm glad you found the solution to this one.


On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 3:18 PM pouyan <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thank you Alex,

I got an error on log file
2015-03-28 17:07:20,996 ERROR XFormsServer  -     |Body received with
non-XML media type for replace="instance": text/plain

then I have added content type=application/xml to my web service  and it
fixed the problem

        @RequestMapping(produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE,
                                value="/country", method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public @ResponseBody  String country() {
            return "<countries><country abbreviation=\"CA\"
           } catch (Exception ex) {
                        throw ServiceException.wrap(ex);

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Re: Dynamic dropdown not load data

Hi Alex

I have added second dynamic dropdown "state" and connected to "country" drop down , I followed the instruction in  

The issue I have now is the state drop down not calling the state web service on country change drop down
it seems onchange event not trigger on country drop down change

if I hardcode country value in resource url ("state?country-key=canada") of state dropdown I can get the state values that means the web service and dropdown works fine  

Here is my code:

        <xf:model id="fr-form-model" xxf:expose-xpath-types="true">
                   <xf:instance id="country-state-instance">

          <fr:databound-select1 ref="country" id="plh_personal_information_country-control"
                                    <xf:label ref="$form-resources/plh_personal_information_country/label"/>
                                    <xf:hint ref="$form-resources/plh_personal_information_country/hint"/>
                                    <xf:alert ref="$fr-resources/detail/labels/alert"/>
                                    <xf:itemset ref="/countries/country">
                                        <xf:label ref="@label"/>
                                        <xf:value ref="@key"/>
     <fr:databound-select1 ref="state" id="plh_personal_information_state-control"
                                    <xf:label ref="$form-resources/plh_personal_information_state/label"/>
                                    <xf:hint ref="$form-resources/plh_personal_information_state/hint"/>
                                    <xf:alert ref="$fr-resources/detail/labels/alert"/>

                                    <xf:itemset ref="/states/state">
                                        <xf:label ref="@label"/>
                                        <xf:value ref="@key"/>

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Re: Dynamic dropdown not load data

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Pouyan,

It is hard to say what's wrong with that code without being able to run it. See the example linked below, which does something very similar, with 3 dropdowns (state -> city -> zip code).

Maybe you can see what it does, and figure why things are not working in your case. If not, could you update your example to use the same services used by that example, so it would run independently from your services, create a minimal example using those services that reproduces the problem, and attach the full source of that example.


On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 11:29 AM pouyan <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Alex

I have added second dynamic dropdown "state" and connected to "country" drop
down , I followed the instruction in

The issue I have now is the state drop down not calling the state web
service on country change drop down
it seems onchange event not trigger on country drop down change

if I hardcode country value in resource url ("state?country-key=canada") of
state dropdown I can get the state values that means the web service and
dropdown works fine

*Here is my code:*

        <xf:model id="fr-form-model" xxf:expose-xpath-types="true">
                   <xf:instance id="country-state-instance">


          <fr:databound-select1 ref="country"

                                    <xf:itemset ref="/countries/country">
                                        <xf:label ref="@label"/>
                                        <xf:value ref="@key"/>
     <fr:databound-select1 ref="state"


                                    <xf:itemset ref="/states/state">
                                        <xf:label ref="@label"/>
                                        <xf:value ref="@key"/>

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