I am creating a form using form builder.
I have a section with 1 dynamic drop down element, named simple-query
I created database service as follows:
Service name: simple-query
DataSource: prp
SQL Query: select OpsiName from CPP_ORG_PartnerBusinessRelationshipItem where PartnerLocationId='70734968'
Action name:simple-query-action
Condition:Run always
Run Action when: the form loads - after the controls are ready
Service to Call:simple-query
Service Response Action
Set Control Choices > Simple Query(simple-query) >
Return one node for each choice: /response/row
Relative to choice tem node: OpsiName
Relative to choice node: OpsiName
I created test.jsp page in my orbeon web application to test the jdbc data source, and it was successful. But my drop down not populated. Anything I missed here?