Adrian Baker wrote
The only way I've been able to do this is to attach regular Javascript onclick handlers, then using YUI, locating a hidden xf:trigger, sending it a DOMActivate event using Orbeon's Javascript api.
If your th/tr are generated with an <xforms:repeat>, you will get an xforms-focus event when you click on the th/tr. Would this work in your case?
Adrian Baker wrote
I wouldn't mind having to wrap the header/row contents in an xf:group, but these don't seem to fire DOMActivate.
The spec leaves some freedom as to how we implement DOMActivate saying that it is "dispatched in response to: the "default action request" for a core form control, for instance pressing a button or hitting enter". But I don't think that just clicking on the content of am <xforms:group> should dispatch a DOMActivate to that <xforms:group>.
This also ties into a discussion about usability: it is often better to have more usual controls (links and buttons) on the page to denote that action is possible there.