Create a COUNTER field with auto increment based on another field value

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Create a COUNTER field with auto increment based on another field value

I'm a knew user to orbeon and I'm trying to create a form with a counter
field base on the value of the previous field.
Can someone guide me to a code snippet and give me some basic advice.
Currently I'm using latest Orbeon PE addition with temporary 3 months
license which ends at the end of the month.
So the basic sketch of what I'm trying to do is:
Control field name: document-type
Control field name: counter

If "document-type" begins with "A" "counter"= previous A type document
counter value + 1

If setup a MySQL persistent connection and can create a trigger based tables

Thank you very much!

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Re: Create a COUNTER field with auto increment based on another field value

Alessandro  Vernet

When you're saying that you'd like the value to be set to the "value of the
previous field" + 1, what do you mean by "previous field"? Do you have a
repeated section or repeated table, or is there just 1 such field in your
form and you'd like the number to be set automatically every time someone
fills a new form so the number is different each time?


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Re: Create a COUNTER field with auto increment based on another field value

I want the number in the field to be incremented every time someone
fills a new form.

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Re: Create a COUNTER field with auto increment based on another field value

Alessandro  Vernet
Got it. You can do this by creating a table to keep track of that sequence
number in MySQL, and using services and actions to update and read that
sequence number from your form. We have more information on how to do this
with MySQL on the page linked below, and can also envision some "native"
support for this feature in the product so doing this would be more

You'll let me know if this works for you,


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Re: Create a COUNTER field with auto increment based on another field value

Alessandro  Vernet
Did you get a chance to try the technique described in the RFE to create an
auto-incremented field? If so, did it work for you?


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