We have been using the YUI RTE to date (Orbeon 4.4). However this has a bug for IE 11 in the sense that it does not load (
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20149312/rich-text-yui-editor-broken-on-ie11). The fixes are out of my league.
1. Has anyone attempted this fix on Orbeon 4.4 (YUI 2.8.1) in a shareable manner?
2. I'm investigating what it would take to use TinyMCE instead as that seems to be the recommended way forward, but I cannot find the configuration info anywhere on orbeon.com. I can only find mentions of a page that once existed.
I'd like to get TinyMCE on par with what we use today for the YUI RTE:

The default TinyMCE options are pretty limited: