Components and Types

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Components and Types

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Re: Components and Types

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Bruno,

I'm not sure if you're pointing to a more general problem, but in this case, you have radio buttons with 3 possible values: "1", "2", and "3". You say that the type is `xs:boolean`. And the thing is that, in XPath, "1" can be casted to a boolean (it corresponds to `true()`), however "2" and "3" can't be casted to a boolean, hence the error when you select the 2nd and 3rd radios, as the values for those aren't valid boolean values.

You can check this with:

'1' castable as xs:boolean ⇒ true()
'2' castable as xs:boolean ⇒ false()
'3' castable as xs:boolean ⇒ false()

But maybe this isn't the problem you were trying to show? In which case, could you share with us an example of that other issue?


On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 9:09 AM bruno.buzzi <[hidden email]> wrote:

I got the following form:

If you click in option 2 or option 3 then the form report an error and
submit is not possible.

The type of the component has been changed from String to Boolean.
Not sure why if you select the first option it works ok, but with option 1
and 2 it fail.

The pattern here is:
1) Create a component (a radio button or boolean)
2) Mark it as mandatory field
3) Change the type of the component

In these cases it will be not possible to submit the form.

Maybe in some cases the Data Type combo should be read-only.


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Re: Components and Types

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Re: Components and Types

Alessandro  Vernet
Hi Bruno,

Got it: I imagine there can be cases where what you select with radio button
is really a boolean, but in most cases it is the form author who made a
mistake selecting that type in the Control Settings. I've just created a RFE
to issue a warning in this case (see link below). You'll let me know if this
would help.


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Re: Components and Types

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Re: Components and Types

Alessandro  Vernet
Excellent Bruno, glad to have finally understood your point :).


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