We encounter the attached exception when the second ajax response is encrypted :
cipher-exception.txt .
java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException: Parameters required for decryption
The first ajax response is correctly encrypted and decrypted, everything works. It is the second encryption that fails (the Cipher instance is reused).
Note that this only happens on a SPARC processor (running the Solaris OS). After investigating the problem, we found that it is related to the Security Provider that is used on SPARC. OracleUcrypto is used instead of SunJCE (SPARC seems to have native support). We are not sure what the exact problem is with this specific provider, but we worked around the problem by preferring SunJCE when it is available (see attached patch
orbeon-forms.txt ) .
Did anyone see similar exceptions/problems? And is there a better solution?
Kind regards,
Tars Joris
Inventive Designers