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Cannot access Form Runner with exernal exist-db

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Cannot access Form Runner with exernal exist-db

Ashish Gadkari
2 posts
We are using Orbeon 4.5 CE and configured extenal exist-db 2.2RC2.

We have changed following files to connect exist-db:
    <property as="xs:string"  name="oxf.fr.persistence.exist.exist-uri" value="http://orb:orb@localhost:8080/exist/rest/db/orbeon/fr"/> 
Form Builder is working fine. We can save, publish the forms. We can also view them via exist-db dashboard -> collections.

Form Runner(http://localhost:8082/orbeon/fr/) is throwing Exception with error msg - "There was an error running the process. Please contact the application administrator."
See at the end for Exception. 
But we are able to create new form runner instance: http://localhost:8082/orbeon/fr/TestApplication/TestForm/new 

After this exception, we tried to do few changes  but still same problem:
1) exist-conf.xml
/*Changed file location to point external db*/

  <db-connection cacheSize="20M" collectionCache="10M" database="native" files="D:/eXist-db/webapp/WEB-INF/data" pageSize="4096" nodesBuffer="-1">

  <recovery enabled="yes" group-commit="no" journal-dir="D:/eXist-db/webapp/WEB-INF/data" size="100M" sync-on-commit="no" force-restart="no" consistency-check="yes"/>

2) Configuring full-text indexing

Form Runner collection is:

create in eXist a configuration document for that collection under:

Part of Exception in orbeon.log:

2014-09-24 11:34:06,945 INFO  ProcessorService  - Context listener - Context initialized.
2014-09-24 11:34:24,842 INFO  ProcessorService  - Servlet initialized.
2014-09-24 11:34:24,930 INFO  ProcessorService  - / - Received request
2014-09-24 11:34:25,635 INFO  ProcessorService  - / - Timing: 707
2014-09-24 11:34:25,638 INFO  ProcessorService  - /home/ - Received request
2014-09-24 11:34:26,349 INFO  ProcessorService  - /home/ - Timing: 711
2014-09-24 11:34:46,385 INFO  ProcessorService  - /fr/ - Received request
2014-09-24 11:34:48,229 WARN  Version  - Feature is not enabled in this version of the product: cached XForms instance
2014-09-24 11:34:48,759 WARN  XFormsServer  - unknown id {id: "fb-form-instance"}
2014-09-24 11:34:48,762 WARN  XFormsServer  - unknown id {id: "fr-form-group"}
2014-09-24 11:34:48,764 WARN  XFormsServer  - observer attribute present but does not refer to at least one valid id, ignoring event handler {element: "<xf:action ev:event="xxforms-upload-error" ev:observer="fr-form-group" ev:defaultAction="cancel" xxf:phantom="true" id="xf-511">[...]</xf:action>"}
2014-09-24 11:34:48,764 WARN  XFormsServer  - unknown id {id: "fr-form-group"}
2014-09-24 11:34:48,764 WARN  XFormsServer  - observer attribute present but does not refer to at least one valid id, ignoring event handler {element: "<xf:action ev:event="xxforms-upload-done" ev:observer="fr-form-group" ev:defaultAction="cancel" xxf:phantom="true" type="xpath" id="xf-513">[...]</xf:action>"}
2014-09-24 11:34:48,803 WARN  Version  - Feature is not enabled in this version of the product: xpath-analysis
2014-09-24 11:34:49,120 WARN  XFormsServer  - xxf:instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-form-resources"}
2014-09-24 11:34:49,123 WARN  XFormsServer  - xxf:instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-form-resources"}
2014-09-24 11:34:49,209 WARN  XFormsServer  - xxf:instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-form-resources"}
2014-09-24 11:34:49,495 INFO  ProcessorService  - /fr/service/i18n/fr-resources/*/* - Received request
2014-09-24 11:34:49,754 INFO  ProcessorService  - Session listener - Session created.
2014-09-24 11:34:49,808 INFO  ProcessorService  - /fr/service/i18n/fr-resources/*/* - Timing: 313
2014-09-24 11:34:49,816 WARN  XFormsServer  - xxf:instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-form-resources"}
2014-09-24 11:34:49,825 WARN  XFormsServer  - xxf:instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-form-resources"}
2014-09-24 11:34:49,854 WARN  XFormsServer  - xxf:instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-form-resources"}
2014-09-24 11:34:49,856 WARN  XFormsServer  - xxf:instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-form-resources"}
2014-09-24 11:34:49,898 WARN  XFormsServer  - xxf:instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-form-metadata"}
2014-09-24 11:34:49,899 WARN  XFormsServer  - xxf:instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-form-metadata"}
2014-09-24 11:34:50,023 WARN  XFormsServer  - xxf:instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-form-metadata"}
2014-09-24 11:34:50,040 WARN  XFormsServer  - xxf:instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-form-metadata"}
2014-09-24 11:34:50,041 WARN  XFormsServer  - xxf:instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-form-metadata"}
2014-09-24 11:34:50,169 INFO  ProcessorService  - /fr/service/persistence/form - Received request
2014-09-24 11:34:50,245 INFO  ProcessorService  - /fr/service/exist/form - Received request
2014-09-24 11:34:50,502 WARN  XFormsServer  - xforms-submit-error - error while reading response body. {throwable: "
|An Error has Occurred                                                                                                 |
|Stream closed                                                                                                         |
|Application Call Stack                                                                                                |
|Exception: java.io.IOException                                                                                        |
|java.io.BufferedInputStream                        |getBufIfOpen                  |BufferedInputStream.java      | 162|
|java.io.BufferedInputStream                        |read                          |BufferedInputStream.java      | 325|
|java.io.FilterInputStream                          |read                          |FilterInputStream.java        | 107|
|org.orbeon.oxf.util.NetUtils                       |copyStream                    |NetUtils.java                 | 239|
|org.orbeon.oxf.util.NetUtils                       |prepareFileItemFromInputStream|NetUtils.java                 | 612|
|Exception: org.orbeon.oxf.common.OXFException                                                                         |
|org.orbeon.oxf.util.NetUtils                       |prepareFileItemFromInputStream|NetUtils.java                 | 614|
|org.orbeon.oxf.util.NetUtils                       |inputStreamToAnyURI           |NetUtils.java                 | 597|
|.xforms.event.events.SubmitResponseEvent$$anonfun$1|apply                         |SubmitResponseEvent.scala     | 111|
|.xforms.event.events.SubmitResponseEvent$$anonfun$1|apply                         |SubmitResponseEvent.scala     | 110|
|org.orbeon.oxf.util.ScalaUtils$                    |useAndClose                   |ScalaUtils.scala              |  95|
|orbeon.oxf.xforms.event.events.SubmitResponseEvent$|tryToReadBody                 |SubmitResponseEvent.scala     | 110|
|ms.event.events.SubmitResponseEvent$$anonfun$body$1|apply                         |SubmitResponseEvent.scala     |  84|
|ms.event.events.SubmitResponseEvent$$anonfun$body$1|apply                         |SubmitResponseEvent.scala     |  84|
|scala.Option                                       |flatMap                       |Option.scala                  | 170|
|orbeon.oxf.xforms.event.events.SubmitResponseEvent$|body                          |SubmitResponseEvent.scala     |  84|
|.xforms.event.events.SubmitResponseEvent$$anonfun$5|apply                         |SubmitResponseEvent.scala     | 170|
|.xforms.event.events.SubmitResponseEvent$$anonfun$5|apply                         |SubmitResponseEvent.scala     | 170|
|org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.event.XFormsEvent$$anon$1    |apply                         |XFormsEvent.scala             | 144|
|org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.event.XFormsEvent$$anon$1    |apply                         |XFormsEvent.scala             | 142|
|scala.PartialFunction$class                        |applyOrElse                   |PartialFunction.scala         | 118|
|org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.event.XFormsEvent$$anon$1    |applyOrElse                   |XFormsEvent.scala             | 142|
|scala.PartialFunction$OrElse                       |applyOrElse                   |PartialFunction.scala         | 165|
|scala.PartialFunction$OrElse                       |applyOrElse                   |PartialFunction.scala         | 166|
|org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.event.XFormsEvent            |getAttribute                  |XFormsEvent.scala             | 103|
|org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.function.Event               |getEventAttribute             |Event.java                    |  69|
|org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain    |internalDoFilter              |ApplicationFilterChain.java   | 303|
|org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain    |doFilter                      |ApplicationFilterChain.java   | 208|
|org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter        |doFilter                      |WsFilter.java                 |  52|
|org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain    |internalDoFilter              |ApplicationFilterChain.java   | 241|
|org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain    |doFilter                      |ApplicationFilterChain.java   | 208|
|org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve      |invoke                        |StandardWrapperValve.java     | 220|
|org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve      |invoke                        |StandardContextValve.java     | 122|
|org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase|invoke                        |AuthenticatorBase.java        | 501|
|org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve         |invoke                        |StandardHostValve.java        | 171|
|org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve        |invoke                        |ErrorReportValve.java         | 103|
|org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve          |invoke                        |AccessLogValve.java           | 950|
|org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve       |invoke                        |StandardEngineValve.java      | 116|
|org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter        |service                       |CoyoteAdapter.java            | 408|
|org.apache.coyote.http11.AbstractHttp11Processor   |process                       |AbstractHttp11Processor.java  |1070|
|e.coyote.AbstractProtocol$AbstractConnectionHandler|process                       |AbstractProtocol.java         | 611|
|.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint$SocketProcessor|run                           |JIoEndpoint.java              | 314|
|java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor            |runWorker                     |ThreadPoolExecutor.java       |1145|
|java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker     |run                           |ThreadPoolExecutor.java       | 615|
|che.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable|run                           |TaskThread.java               |  61|
|java.lang.Thread                                   |run                           |Thread.java                   | 745|

2014-09-24 11:34:50,699 WARN  XFormsServer  - xxf:instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-form-metadata"}
2014-09-24 11:34:50,699 WARN  XFormsServer  - xxf:instance() - instance not found {instance id: "fr-form-metadata"}
2014-09-24 11:34:51,417 INFO  ProcessorService  - /fr/ - Timing: 5032

For detailed logs - orbeon.log file attached

 Are we missing any snippet to add/update in configuration file. We need to access Form Runner page. Any help will be appreciated!!!

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orbeon.log (99K) Download Attachment
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Re: Cannot access Form Runner with exernal exist-db

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
Hi Ashish,

I'm sorry for the trouble, but unfortunately, the exception isn't very telling. Could try installing Charles (http://www.charlesproxy.com/) and set the following 2 properties:

<property as="xs:string"  name="oxf.http.proxy.host" value="localhost"/>
<property as="xs:integer" name="oxf.http.proxy.port" value="8888"/>

Then try again, and the calls to eXist should go through Charles. This way, you should see in Charles exactly what HTTP requests are being made, and where it is failing. If you're not quite sure how to interpret the data you're capturing, you can save what you captured in Charles into a .chls file, and attach that file to your response, and we'll have a look at it.

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Re: Cannot access Form Runner with exernal exist-db

Ashish Gadkari
2 posts
Hi Alex,

I installed Charles(http://www.charlesproxy.com/) and updated properties-local.xml
Still not able to find out the solution. So attaching logs(.chls) for reference.

Please refer: FormRunner ExternalDB.chls (Form runner not working for external existDB; Cannot to access FormRunner) 
Please refer: FormRunner InternalDB.chls (Form runner working for internal existDB)



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FormRunner ExternalDB.chls (63K) Download Attachment
FormRunner InternalDB.chls (317K) Download Attachment
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Re: Cannot access Form Runner with exernal exist-db

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
Hi Ashish,

First, thank you for the Charles logs; they are very useful. So, you're trying to connect to an eXist database and did set the property below.

<property as="xs:string"  name="oxf.fr.persistence.exist.exist-uri" value="http://orb:orb@localhost:8080/exist/rest/db/orbeon/fr"/> 

When you access the Form Runner homepage, a request is made to eXist to retrieve a list of the deployed forms. When using the external eXist, it responds with the following error:

err:XQST0033 prefix 'sql' bind to 'http://exist-db.org/xquery/sql'

I imagine that this is because the XML document in which the XQuery is being sent to exist has a namespace declaration xmlns:sql="http://orbeon.org/oxf/xml/sql", which is in conflict with a "default" namespace declaration provided by eXist. Apparently, this was a known bug which should have been fixed since then; more on this on:


Which version of eXist are you seeing this on? If this is not on 2.1, would you be able to upgrade to that version?

Follow Orbeon on Twitter: @orbeon
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Re: Cannot access Form Runner with exernal exist-db

Alessandro  Vernet
5128 posts
Hi Ashish,

Also, if you're still having this with eXist-db 2.1, a possible workaround is to disable the eXist-db SQL module, as mentioned by @eetuTV:


Follow Orbeon on Twitter: @orbeon
Follow me on Twitter: @avernet