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Can we use 'wizard view' and 'seperate-toc' simultaneously

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Can we use 'wizard view' and 'seperate-toc' simultaneously

Neenu Jacob
37 posts

Can we use 'wizard view' and 'seperate-toc' simultaneously.

ie.  can we use these two properties at the same time.

 <property as="xs:string" name="oxf.fr.detail.view.appearance.*.*" value="wizard" />       

<property as="xs:boolean" name="oxf.xforms.xbl.fr.wizard.separate-toc.*.*" value="true"/>

Thanks in Advance.
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Re: Can we use 'wizard view' and 'seperate-toc' simultaneously

Erik Bruchez
6632 posts
Yes, in fact `seperate-toc` is a feature of the wizard.

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Re: Can we use 'wizard view' and 'seperate-toc' simultaneously

Neenu Jacob
37 posts
But when I use those simultaneously, only seperate-toc view showing not the wizard view. Below the screenshots. I want to show those two views at the same time. How can I achive that? Please help me out.

Wizard View

Seperate-toc View


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Re: Can we use 'wizard view' and 'seperate-toc' simultaneously

Erik Bruchez
6632 posts
Ah, then no, this is not possible. The *separate* TOC means that it is, well, separate, and doesn't show at the same time as the wizard pages.

I assume that what you are interested in is the section status information?
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Re: Can we use 'wizard view' and 'seperate-toc' simultaneously

Neenu Jacob
37 posts
Yes. I planned like 'separate-toc' view as summary page where I can read the status. When I click on 'edit' i need to display the particular tab in the wizard page along with the 'wizard view'. How can I achieve this?
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Re: Can we use 'wizard view' and 'seperate-toc' simultaneously

Erik Bruchez
6632 posts
> Yes. I planned like 'separate-toc' view as summary page where I can read the status. When I click on 'edit' i need to display the particular tab in the wizard page along with the 'wizard view'. How can I achieve this?

Well, if you mean having the TOC with the "Edit" button and at the same time the wizard page, then you can't right now: we would need to make changes to the wizard code for this to work.
